it's a ship and that's right. plus a disco, gym, game room and a lot more. which cabin is rennie in, mr. mcculloch? but i thought. be right up, dad. hello, dad. dad, i don't think. how about if we start up the forward engines and come around. 180 degrees. yeah, tell me about it. rennie. i heard you weren't coming. i got you a present. forget it. it's a dumb little thing anyway. i thought maybe we could hike to the top of the statue when we got there, if you felt like it. it's supposed to be 22 stories tall. i guess i'll see you later. what happened? rennie, are you okay? realizes she's in trouble. he immediately dives in after her, pulling her to the pool's edge, where miss van deusen helps to lift her out. it's okay. you're going to be okay. me too. let's go talk to my dad. not completing a voyage is against everything he stands for. but i think i can convince him to call a coast guard cutter for you. if i go with you, he'll never speak to me again. but i'm never going to live up to his expectations anyway. so maybe it's the right thing to do. knocks on the bridge door. no answer. he's confused. he pushes the door open but something is blocking it. sean puts his weight into it, shoving hard. oh jesus. dad?? reaches out and swivels the chair around. it is his father but his throat has been slit. sean staggers backwards, uncomprehending, his senses overloaded. we move with him until he's backed into rennie, clutching onto him tightly. he's. he's dead. attention everybody, attention. this is sean robertson. there's been. what i mean is, this is an emergency. repeat, this is an emergency. i want everybody to meet on the bridge. stay calm, but get here as quick as possible. walk with a friend if you can. god, i wish this was a joke, but it's not. i don't know. we've gone off course or something. i don't know what i mean! all's i know is that there's no one guiding this ship anymore. i think so. but we have to lower the anchors so we don't drift any further. the bow. front of the ship. there's a hoist on each side that lowers them i didn't mean for you to go! mayday, mayday, mayday. please. can anybody out there hear me?? channel 16. the distress frequency. mayday, mayday, mayday. this is the princess ruby. please, somebody answer. the captain and chief engineer. they've been. they're dead. i. i don't know. yes. i've got the numbers. hello? are you there?? it's. dead. she's. she's dropping the anchors. i thought the coast guard could find us easier if. i don't know. we could hit a reef, collide with another ship. we could be out here for weeks before anybody spotted us. it worked. we're back on course! the fire alarm. we have to get everybody together just in case the fire's for real. rennie?? it's gonna be okay. the power room. rule one, don't panic. rule two, assess the damage and act accordingly. i don't know. the emergency lights just kicked in. we'll be okay. i want you to wait by the lifeboats, just in case. but rennie. water has gotten to the engines. we have to get everybody off this ship. this is jason's fault! we have to get off this ship!! everybody in -- i'll get the hoists stop it!! come on. faster. grabs an oar, turning back to mcculloch. start rowing!! he's gone. it's julius! rennie. what'd they do to you?? we have to find the others. hey! jason's here in new york. there aren't any handles!! miss van deusen. you son of a bitch. you keep away from her! not this time. come on. makes rennie look away, dragging her with him along the platform edge in retreat as jason returns his attention to them. they reach the end of the platform, having no choice but to board the front car. it's over, rennie. it's finally over. god. please no. you have to call the police. can you help us get out?? what do you mean? run, rennie. i hear there's a statue here that's 22 stories tall.