too cool, j.j. your parents came through. sure. but i gotta shoot some shockumentary footage first. she's sexy. i'll catch you later. yeah, motivating downstairs, i think. what's the problem, mr. mcculloch? some of us don't want our futures predicted. who casually lowers his camcorder. oh yeah. this is going to sound supremely lame. but i've had the major hots for you since our sophomore year, tamara. but i thought. wayne, you're an asshole. miles -- have you seen j.j.? she was supposed to be jamming down in the power room but. jesus christ. is the radio even working?? the captain's been murdered. the buzz is that jason might be on board. no. and i'm not losing any sleep over it. so what else is new? look eva, you're asking the wrong dude to feel sorry for tamara mason. wise up -- it's not hip to be her friend. i'm sorry, but i've gotta find j.j. what are you taking, julius? we're talking the possibility of jason voorhees here. j.j. -- you down here? lies helplessly on the metal grid work, realizing his bleak predicament has just been squared. he pulls himself to a standing position again. we got a major problem, wayne. takes another step, almost tripping on a set of stairs leading down to the next level. and when he arrives there. instantly raises the rifle and fires. stands there, breathing some relief. he gets an idea, looking through his camcorder eyepiece. wayne begins to adjust the eyepiece diaptor. slowly lowers his camera as his heart rises into his throat. no. screams, blindly running as fast as he can. he trips, picking himself up, stumbling down the catwalk stairs. wayne makes it about ten feet before he stumbles over something, bringing with it a harsh strum from an no no no.