wanta give me a hand here? alice? wanta roll this sucker out of the way. alice? push on this side. alice, this is jack, marcie and ned. push. that's got her. thanks. i'm steve christy. welcome to camp crystal lake. you got some grubby clothes? climb into 'em. alice, see if bill has cleaned out the boathouse. i want him to start with the canoes. what happened to brenda? i'd rather she painted. let's go, folks. shim it up just a scooch. perfection. hold it. to answer your question, my parents once owned this camp. there were some tragic accidents and they went bankrupt. i promised them i'd reopen if i could. see if it closes right now. perfection. did you meet brenda? she's archery. he's rifle ranged. and i'm behind schedule. let's go, ned. come on back here and let's above the float in. you draw very well. this isn't your cup of tea, hunh? any particular reason? you want to leave? you may not care a lot about this place, alice, but i mean to make it my whole life. it's been my whole life. gimme a chance. stay a week. help get it ready. next friday, if you're not happy, i'll put you on the bus myself. i'll be grateful. thanks, alice. i've got to go to town and pick up the trailer and all that other stuff, but i'll be back around ten. if you're still up, we can talk, okay? yeah. brenda, after lunch hit the archery range. if annie gets here, have her start in on the kitchen. do your best. tomorrow we have a preliminary inspection by the state safety people. i'd like to look good. no, thanks. i'm fine. sandy. i got to. i have six new counsellor up there. they're all babes in the woods in every sense of the word. i mean. yeah. i got it on before this-- --all started. for two lonely nights. i think water got into the electrical system. you ride me back to camp? i'll get one of my counsellors to drive me back tomorrow morning. you've made a science out of coincidence. sure. good luck. yeah. hi. what are you doing out in this mess?