anything you gotta say to them, say to me first.
that's enough.
he ain't your brother no more.
no, it's more of a gnawing sound. birds peck, they don't gnaw. rats gnaw.
watch out, girly!
goddamn fuckin' vampires.
way ahead of ya. what's your name, girly?
sex machine. pleased to meet'cha. kate, let's stake these blood-sucker fuckers.
he's right. peter cushing does that all the time.
garlic, holy water, sunlight.  i forget, does silver do anything to a vampire?
i know silver bullets are werewolves. but i'm pretty sure silver has some sort of effect on vampires.
yeah, that's true, but i doubt our barricades, that door, those plastered windows and these walls will last two more hours with those bat fucks fuckin' with 'em.
you mean like a time-life book?
another thing, you try and ram a broken chair leg in a human, you better be one strong son-of-a-bitch. the human body is one rough-tough machine. but these vamps got soft bodies. the texture of their skin is softer, mushier. you can push shit right through 'em. conceivably, if you hit one hard enough, you could take their fuckin' head off.
stop fucking saying that!
that bite weren't nothin'. it just hurt like a son-of-a-bitch, that's all. it barely punched the skin.
what are you gonna do about it?