license and registration? could you step out of the vehicle, ma'am. just step out of the car. ma'am i'm just directing you to step out of the vehicle? step around to the back of the vehicle. see that. your left rear parking light is not illuminated. i'm gonna give you a provisional citation. get this repaired in the next 48 hours and you'll have no problem. who's your friend? have an enjoyable holiday. is there a ray eddy here? can i speak to you outside for a minute. it's not about that. i just have a few questions. this is about the woman who was with you. how long have you known her? she's a smuggler. yes. yes, well, there is that element on the reservation i'm sure you know. how did you happen to meet her? i just thought you should be aware of that. she's known to have smuggled illegal immigrants into the country. if i were you i'd find a new baby sitter. you don't want her around young kids. well, you have an enjoyable holiday. as long as they're not on a watch list. four months. i don't think you have much to worry about judging from the look of them, probably brought here to work in the sex trade. not necessarily. they can apply for asylum. is there somebody i can call for you? to take care of your children. a relative.