hey, how're you doing? you find that sign? you called me an asshole. you worked at other hospitals? i bet it hasn't. see you. what happened? what about this one here? okay, we've got to get some room in this hallway, people. hey, take this one up the hall to critical care. tries to negotiate through the incoming patients to get a better look, but kimble is gone. she goes back to work. gladys, where's the boy i sent down with the janitor? the one with the fractured sternum. dave, did you see a janitor come up here earlier? i saw - do you have a particular interest in our patients' x-rays? i saw you looking at that boy's chest film. what other hobbies do you have? brain surgery? i want to know how that kid ended up in surgery. bullshit. who changed those orders? you stand right here. i'm calling security. a little boy's alive today because he did something. for what?