point of impact. shit. come on. delange hospital. wounded guard swears to high holy he saw kimble right there in the hallway. ambulance, missing too. o-nine-thirty. twenty minutes ago. nothing yet. gerard? you there? in the plumbing truck. he triggers his mike. trains? traffic? what about the man he claimed attacked his wife? it's hinky. man risks everything to find a man his own investigators say doesn't exist. something's really hinky about this thing. it's five flights! here he comes. i'd hire a pro. sight unseen. like a pharmaceutical company. someone in security. but sykes claims he was out of town. tried, convicted. so what does kimble do next? just what i want to do before dinner. we're united states marshals. we're trying to find out some information about a pathologist, named lentz. he used to be on staff here. i think you're lying to us. conflicting reports, but the cops are considering him a shooter. c.p.d. has the perimeter, hotel security has the parking structure. keep and eye on him. biggs has roof plans. there are four exits to the roof. watch your head, dr. kimble.