good lord. biggs, your turn to babysit newman. how ya doing? who's in charge? excuse me, sheriff rollins? deputy u.s. marshal samuel gerard. aware of media, proceeds patiently with the young sheriff. with all due respect, may i suggest check-points starting at a 15-mile radius on i-57, i-24, route 13 east of - well, shit, sheriff, i'd hate for that to happen. so, i'll be taking over the investigation. by authority of the governor of the state of illinois and the office of the united states marshal, 5th district northern illinois. please, ladies and gentlemen, step back and give this poor man some room. always an interesting thing when we find leg irons and no legs in them who held the keys, sir? would you be so kind as to show them to me, sir? second chance. thank you. renfro - take that bus apart. i want an accurate body count. poole - set up operations right here. ladies and gentlemen. our fugitive's been on the run for ninety minutes. average foot speed over uneven ground - barring injury is approximately four miles an hour, giving us a radius of six miles. i want a hard-target search of any residence, gas station, farmhouse, henhouse, doghouse and outhouse in that area. check-points go up at 15 miles. you got that? good. now, turn those damn things off and get out of our way. type it and match it against all four prisoners. renfro, get an i.d. fax on kimble to every local hospital. newman. i need some coffee. hit me. let's not retry the case. priors and accomplices? sealed juvie record? relatives? children? girl friends? ex-wives? friends? combinations of the above? start there. authorize taps. cover his lawyer first. bet me. have stevens go to judge rubin, he'll sign 'em. give me a time. just the way we want it. okay, people, let's button up. seal it up. okay, ladies and gentlemen hard part's over. biggs, renfro with me. channel three. got a possible here. stand by. so, you didn't kill your wife. straight ahead! turn around, hands over your head. and get down on the ground. your choice, kimble. get down on your knees. lights and generators are coming, captain. then find me the fish that ate him. i bet they were. where's the woman? okay. i'll take front. biggs and renfro, rear. poole, handle support. i don't want anyone hurt. stay outside unless called. radios on three. hell, no. you're with me, newman. let's go. u.s. marshals. down! down! motions newman to the left to check the door off the living room while he moves down the main hall into the back bedroom. he hears copeland moving somewhere in the front of the house. keeps moving down the hallway, through first bedroom, pauses at door to the second bedroom and chooses his course. shut up. you think i should have bargained with him, don't you? yeah, you're absolutely right. i could've. how bad's your ear? let me see it. i don't bargain. call them back. tell them you've made a mistake. stop it there. drop the voices. listen. more. there's a voice in the background. and there's no e1 in st. louis. ladies and gentlemen, richard kimble is in chicago. poole, get his artwork out to local police and have c.p.d. check the shelters. biggs, bring in the detectives that handled his case. no. they don't know he's alive and as far as kimble knows we don't either. i want to keep it that way as long as we can. are we clear? noah. go to my office and let's officially take dr. kimble out of purgatory. gentlemen, i appreciate the cooperation of the chicago police. what about lady friends? where was this? did he ask you for help? why do you think he came back to chicago? i didn't ask you that, sir. i'm sure he was trying to protect you from having to lie for him. if you're really his friend, you'll help us bring him in unharmed. dr. nichols, last year the u.s. marshals' office closed out 11,003 warrants. 10,975 of those were captured. the twenty-eight others thought they were smarter than us. now they're dead. nice car. stay on him. a man posing as a janitor orders an emergency operation and all you do is pull his i.d.? so, you weren't aware that when he escaped he was being transported to menard state prison to begin a term of life imprisonment. for murdering his wife. thank you for your help, doctor. thank you, sir, i think you already have. the onearmed man. missing the right or left hand? location of the attachment. stevens. i've got a list of names i want searched for criminal history. we need to see a prisoner. i hate that word. where're the damn stairs? then you wait. climbing the stairs. he reaches a landing - and skims shoulders with kimble, who pivots past on his way down. kimble. kimble! u.s. marshal! get on the phone, call your commander, tell him there's a top-fifteen warrant in the building. go. bursts out the stairwell door after kimble. kimble. stop! down. down. everybody down! kimble. stop! open the doors! renfro, biggs. this is gerard. you told me, you didn't kill your wife. i remember you were pointing my gun at me. that's right, kimble. i'm not trying to solve a puzzle here. i'm just the poor working man that's paid to hunt you down. kimble? you can't control this thing, kimble. kimble? where is he? let me see the negatives. one's missing. you had a break-in, mr. sykes. my name is gerard. u.s. marshal's office. this morning a fugitive named richard kimble made a call from your apartment. would he have a reason to? what kind of business are you in, mr. sykes? independent? any idea why kimble would be interested in these? by all means. kimble said he's putting together a puzzle. we don't need to put it together too, we just need to be there when he gets to the next piece. keep somebody on him. if he moves i want to know. stevens, check phone records for sykes and kimble. find out who this guy is. doctor. could i have a minute? dr. kimble hasn't come back to you for help, has he? dr. nichols. do you know the other man in the photograph? tissue samples? get cpd to bring in sykes. all right. it was a thought. kimble called sykes. renfro! get c.p.d. to bring in sykes! poole! bring me kimble's arrest report, now. no, stevens. i believe you. poole, get biggs and newman. damn. i heard. was it kimble? that's my man in there, kelly. c'mon, i know where he's going. let them keep busy down below. newman, get with security. see if you can locate kimble from the monitors. keep in radio contact. i want them covered. this way. clear the hallway. get that door open. stay at this door. this is a united states marshal. get that helicopter out of here! pulls up. kimble! where did the elevator stop? get out of here. we're going in. give me five minutes. keep c.p.d. out. kimble! there is no way out of here. kimble. i know about nichols. i know about sykes. kimble stops. nichols borrowed your car the night of the murder and called sykes from it. moving through the forest of massive bags. that's why there was no forced entry at your house. he'd used your keys. moves carefully. another bag comes down the track. he dodges it and steps into an open track. from here he can see straight back toward the washers. kimble. come meet me out here. oblivious to this action, moves on, passes the conveyor belts. he makes one last appeal. it's time to quit running. if you don't, you know i'll stop you. he listens, there is no answer. moves into the alley between the two giant washers. he pauses, looks back, then continues, when he turns his back on us. turns on the sound and finds his gun trained on kimble with nichols at his feet, unconscious. he realizes instantly that kimble saved his life and lowers his gun. get them back. poole, you got that thing? give me your hands. take care of those hands, doc, you're going to need them again soon. yeah, well, don't spread it around.