we've had private investigators interview over a hundred amputees, richard. we can't find this guy. i put you up on the stand to say what you saw without anything that remotely smells like proof and the state's attorney is going to take this one-armed man story and run it up our ass. look, richard, you're paying us a lot of money to defend you. a plea to second degree - you're a successful upper middle class white man charged in a violent crime. it's a circumstantial case, but it's also a jury trial. we play 'em, they play 'em. but if we lose, we lose big. just remember, they're lined up a block long to have your hide. richard. jesus, why did you run? running only makes you look guilty. tell me where you are. i'll come meet you so you can turn yourself in . richard. you're asking me to harbor and aid a convicted felon. i can't help you that way. my advice - both as a friend and as your legal counsel - is for you to give yourself up. now tell me. where are you? give me an address. i'll be -