are you a photographer? oh, you seen much combat? you're a real comedian. well, i got a joke for you. i'm gonna tear you a new asshole. you talk the talk. do you walk the walk? hey, jungle bunny. thank god for the sickle cell, huh? hey, we'll let the gooks play the indians! better you than me. what cause was that? well . like, like you see, you know, it's a major city, so we have to assault with, uh . tanks. so, they send us in first squad . to make sure that there are no little vietnamese waiting with, like, b-40 rockets that blow the tanks away. so we clear it out and we roll the tanks in and . basically, blow the place to hell. well, if you ask me, uh, we're shooting the wrong gooks. what do i think about america's involvement in the war? well, i think we should win. well, if they'd send us more guys and maybe bomb the hell out of the north, they might, uh, they might give up. all fucking niggers must fucking hang. hey, hey! i won't be long. i'll skip the foreplay. he's out there alone! what the fuck do we do now, cowboy? wait a minute! hold it! hold it! nobody's pulling out! there's only one fucking sniper out there! yeah, well, we're not leaving doc jay and eightball out there! fuck you, cowboy! fuck all you assholes! fucking son-of-a-bitch! you motherfucker! aaagh! whooo! doc! doc! doc! where's the sniper? doc, where's the sniper? shit! hey, cowboy! doc jay and eightball are wasted! there's only one sniper, nothing else. move up the squad! you're clear up to here! come on! cowboy . . top of the black building, around the corner. let's go get some payback. give 'em some smoke. donlon, rock--that way. you two with me. joker, in there! new guy with me. joker? okay. let's get the fuck outta here. fuck her. let her rot. hey, asshole . cowboy's wasted. you're fresh out of friends. i'm running this squad now and i say we leave the gook for the mother-lovin' rats. if you want to waste her, go on, waste her.