sir, no, sir! sir, no, sir! sir, excuse for what, sir? sir, yes, sir! sir, yes, sir! sir, i am, sir! sir! sir, no, sir! sir, five foot nine, sir! sir, no, sir. sir, texas, sir! sir, no, sir! sir, no, sir! sir, yes, sir! do it! do it! remember, it's just a bad dream, fatboy. sir, he was that guy who shot all those people from that tower in austin, texas, sir! yeah! it don't surprise me. what have you got? sir, yes, sir! holy shit! it's the joker. boy, i hoped i'd never see you again, you piece of shit! oh, i'm just waiting to get back to the land of the big px. been getting any? well, better my sister than my mom, though my mom's not bad. this is my bro joker from the island. and this is. rafterman. they're from stars and stripes. they'll make you famous. we're the lusthog squad. we're life-takers and heartbreakers. we shoot 'em full of holes and fill 'em full of lead. come on, sit down. come on, new guy. hey, start the cameras. this is "vietnam-- the movie!" tough break for hand job. he was all set to get shipped out on a medical. he was jerkin' off ten times a day. last week he was sent down to da nang to see the navy head shrinker, and the crazy fucker starts jerking off in the waiting room. when we're in hue . when we're in hue city . it's like a war. you know like what i thought about a war, what i thought a war was, was supposed to be. there's the enemy, kill 'em. well, the ones i'm . i'm fighting at are some pretty bad boys. i'm not real keen on . some of these fellows that are . . . supposed to be on our side. i keep meeting'em coming the other way. yeah. i hate vietnam. there's not one horse in this whole country. they don't have one horse in ten-hut! good morning, little schoolgirl. i'm a little schoolboy, too. what you got there, chief! hey, any of you boys want number one fuckee? everything you want! all right! how much there, chief! number ten. fifteen dolla beaucoup money. five dolla each. five dolla. be glad to trade you some arvn rifles. never been fired and only dropped once. okay, okay! hey, we need a batting order. face outboard and take cover! do it! shit. hotel one actual, this is cowboy! hotel one actual, this is cowboy! murph, this is cowboy. craze is hit. booby trap. roger. out. i'm squad leader. what's up? studies the map. we're here? we should be here? fuck . what do you think? okay. we'll change direction. changing direction. joker, shut the fuck up! okay! listen up! can you hear me? okay, we're changing direction. we're heading over that way. eightball's gonna go out and see if he can find a way through. got it? eightball . let's dance. okay, cease fire! cease fire, goddamn it! cool it, goddamn it! cool it! cease fire! okay, listen up! did anybody see a sniper? did anybody see anything? okay, then save your ammo! nobody fire till i tell you! no, no! cease fire! cease fire! animal, cease fire! this is cowboy. over. murph, we're receiving enemy sniper fire. eightball is down. our position is about half a klick north of checkpoint four. believe pos- sible strong enemy force occupying buildings in front of us. request immediate tank support. over. roger. over and out. stay close. thinks hard for a few seconds. goddamn it! hold! cease your fire, mother! cease your fucking fire! what? we're not leaving him! we'll get him when the tank comes up. i've seen this before! that sniper's just trying to suck us in one at a time! goddamn it! no! goddamn it, cease fire! cease fire! no! you stay the fuck down! goddamn it! goddamn it! okay, cease fire! he's there! hold your fire! hold your fire!!! cease fire! you can't see the sniper! save the ammo! gimme that fucking radio. murph? this is cowboy. over. murph, we're in some deep shit. i got two men down. what's the story on that fucking tank? over. roger. out. numbnut bastards! okay, listen up! can't afford to wait for the tank. i think they're gonna hit us any minute. when they back off, mother! i'm calling the plays! i say we're pulling out! i know it's a shitty thing to do, but we can't refuse to accept the situation. doc jay and eightball are wasted! you know that! stand down, mother! that's a direct order! yeah! son-of-a-bitch. okay, listen up! okay. you all set? let's move out! donlon . give me that radio. murphy, this is cowboy. over! oh, i don't believe this shit. uhhh, that son-of-a-bitch! ohhhh, don't shit me, joker! don't shit me! i . i can hack it. i can. i-i.