sir, yes, sir! sir, leonard lawrence, sir! sir, no, sir! sir, no, sir! sir, no, sir! sir, no, sir! sir, yes, sir! sir, no, sir! sir, yes, sir! sir, i'm trying, sir. sir, i can't help it, sir! sir, yes, sir! sir, yes, sir! sir, yes, sir! sir, yes, sir! momentarily places his rifle on the wrong shoulder and immediately corrects himself: sir, i don't know, sir! sir, no, sir! sir, no, sir. sir, left side, sir! sir, yes, sir! sir, right side, sir. sir, yes, sir! sir, yes, sir! sir, yes, sir! sir, yes, sir! sir, yes, sir! private pyle reporting as ordered, sir! sir, yes, sir! breathes heavily. he is scared but he manages to get over. looks down. uncertainly at the bed. sir, i don't know, sir! sir, yes, sir! sir, no, sir! sir, a jelly doughnut, sir! sir, yes, sir! sir, i took it from the mess hall, sir! sir, no, sir! sir, no, sir! sir, because i'm too heavy, sir! sir, yes, sir! sir, because i was hungry, sir! joker? everybody hates me now. even you. i can't do anything right. i need help. is helpless. it's been swabbed. and wiped. everything is clean. beautiful. so that it slides perfectly. nice. everything cleaned. oiled. so that your sir, yes, sir! sir, four counts, sir! sir, that is the guarantee that the private is not giving the inspecting officer a loaded sir, the private's fifth general order is to quit my post only when properly relieved, sir! sir, the private's weapon's name is charlene, sir, yes, sir! sir, yes, sir! hi, joker. seven-six-two millimeter, full metal jacket. i am . . in a world . . . of shit! left shoulder . hut! right shoulder . hut! lock and load! order . hut! this is my rifle! there are many like it, but this one is mine. my rifle is my best friend! it is my life!