sir, yes, sir! sir, yes, sir! sir, yes, sir! sir, yes, sir! mama and papa were laying in bed. mama rolled over, this is what she said. ah, gimme some. ah, gimme some. good for you! and good for me! mmm, good. up in the morning to the rising sun. gotta run all day till the running's done! ho chi minh is a son-of-a-bitch! got the blueballs, crabs and the seven-year- itch! this is my rifle. there are many like it, but this one is mine. my rifle is my best friend. it this is for fighting! this is for fun! this is my rifle! this is my gun! sir, yes, sir! i love working for uncle sam! lets me know just who i am! one, two, three, four! united states marine corps! one, two, three, four! i love the marine corps. my corps! your corps! our corps! marine corps! i don't know, but i've been told. eskimo pussy is mighty cold! mmm, good! feels good! is good! real good! tastes good! mighty good! good for you! good for me! one, turo, three . . . nineteen! one, two, three . . . twenty! one, two, three . . . twenty-one! one, two, three . . . twenty-two! one, two, three . . . twenty-three! one, two, three . . . twenty-four! one, two, three . . . twenty-five! one, two, three . . . twnty-six! one, two, three . . . twenty-seven! one, two, three . . . twenty-eight! semper fi, do or die! gung ho, gung ho, gung ho! blood, blood, blood! kill, kill, kill! kill, kill, kill! sir, yes, sir! sir, yes, sir! i don't want no teenage queen. i just want my m-14. if i die in the combat zone. box me up and ship me home. pin my medals upon my chest. tell my mom i've done my best.