i can't go through that again, man, that was painful. they pay you yet? wow, is there anyway for you to.be lower in show business? i don't know if you could even say you're in show business. why don't you just fucking settle down and enjoy this gig? this is a sweet situation. the money's good, you've got health insurance. really? in that case, when we bury you does it have to be in some kind of jew cemetery? next to al jolson or some shit? no way. i'm funnier than you. and i'm not even that funny. i would go if i was paying to see me. okay, well you better be good, because i'm bringing a date. so how much notice are you giving me? you're supposed to give notice. that's what people do. well i don't have enough people to cover all your shifts, now i gotta cover them. gail can't work weekends, and my kid's birthday is this weekend. what am i supposed to do? you're an asshole. you always thought you were slumming it here. go tell your tucking fart jokes., get the fuck out of here before i kick the shit out of you.