you guys left me all alone in the playroom! if you're gonna leave i'm just gonna go talk on the webcam with caroline.
oh, i know you. my mom watches your movies all the time. but most of them i'm not allowed to see. george smiles at ira--laura's a little busted.
i don't know. i don't really like the ones i'm allowed to see, but i think i would like the ones i'm not allowed to see. but she says i cant' see them till i'm sixteen.
i'm simon, and i thought it was horrible. i don't how you made it this far in the competition.
i think paula is drunk. you will never be american idol.
vote him off!
mom! mom! laura hits the gas and they continue the tour.
i heard my mom talking to her friend about it on the phone and crying.
what do you care? you just met him.
they told me my grandfather wouldn't die, but he did.
i think my mom's in love with him. ira looks doubly disturbed. he quickly goes back to his popsicle sticks.
daddy, you've been cursing a lot. you owe me a dollar for every curse. i think you owe me fifty dollars.
i think that was a secret. i don't think you were supposed to say that.
can we watch another spongebob movie? atlantis.squarepantis?
look what i did. i want this hung up on the wall. she shows them the picture, which is clearly not appropriate for the wall: a picture of herself choking and dying.
the food here made me sick.
she can do it. she's almost six. that's weird. ingrid and mable walk off together.
i made her wipe her own butt.
i think my mom and dad are getting a divorce. i don't want my parents to get divorced. all my friends' parents are divorced, and they're not happy.
i heard my mom talking to her friend. i listened through the wall. she was looking for a lawyer. he cheated on her. what does cheating mean? that he's going to marry someone else? why don't they just try harder?
are you two going to fight?
what are you guys doing?