b.o.q., south side. take a starboard tack out the door. no problem, lieutenant. this some kind of joke? s.e.r.e. training coming up. they take you away to san clemente island. half the guys quit when they come back. supposed to be just hell-and-a-half. can i ask you somethin', lieutenant? how come you're doing this? i mean, we're kinda curious. just some of the women. i've been accused of that wish. just a friend. we have friends, too, you know. more than you'd guess. it's just that we don't hold coffee klatches. if more then three of us get together at any one time, the guys think it's some kind of uprising. sounds funny now, but it's really not. we have to be careful. the navy still knows how to put on a witch-hunt. sorry. forgot i needed oregano and. administration, ensign blondell. who's. lieuten -- okay, but. you didn't have to do what you did. not for me. got it. uh. don't see it. there's no signature. but hang on -- there's a note to "see addendum." checking. wow.