aw, what is this. shit of a saint. aw, this is such bullshit. motherachrist. no problem, sir! four years i petition to get into this program. four years. finally get here, and now it's co-ed? such bullshit. now i'm gettin' hammered just 'cuz she's on our crew. tellin' you, i'd rather be the last class with balls than the first one with chicks. hoo-yah! better'n sex in a car crash! no operational experience, and now she's callin' the shots? unbelievable. entering my scan now. favs clear. anyone? smoke her. only blanks. lemme do it. banditos on the east perimeter! 150 yards! shit, she was part of it! this tank's not gonna cut it, el- tee. handle's stripped. nobody's comin' outta that crash, el-tee. nobody. what, we're gonna pry 'em out with paddles?