it's really "f. lee montgomery" -- but that gets whittled down to just "flea." for short, ma'am. no, ma'am. i'll work on it, ma'am. 'snot me. it's him. how you doin', miller? miller? look like donuts to me. clear. don't wanna evacuate 'cuz someone came down with uric poisoning, el- tee. what's the word, el-tee? we're about one minute from a major take- down here. really don't wanna be captured, el- tee. heard some bad things. where are you. hey! where are you taking her? oh, no. no, no, no, no. c'mon, c'mon. cut it! cut it here! close as i can get, el-tee! if we could just fix on him. six o'clock! marking, marking!