last few years have brought many advances in the interests of women in naval service, particularly in the land-based maritime specialties. what's more, the navy has instituted special sensitivity courses with an eye on -- hardly the case, senator. madam senator. this is an internal document of the u.s. navy. i must seriously question whether -- i was one member of the investigating commission. i'm really not prepared for any kind of in-depth review of -- the commission concluded that the aviator in question failed to execute a proper approach to the carrier. well? so she picks the women, we pick the programs. seals? then i suggest we start there. didn't you hear? effective immediately, all navy vessels can no longer be referred to as "she." without telling us they do this? with absolutely no lead time? what the hell is the president trying to do? steal dehaven's thunder? "g.i. jane." and which one of you told me she wouldn't last a week? huh? 20 years in the pentagon, i finally rate an office with a window -- and it looks out over the world's largest graveyard. think it's a sign?