lieutenant o'neil. not due in for 22 minutes, sir. watcha got? do we know it's him using the beacon? not a decoy? chances of recovery? north korean beaches are the best protected, most heavily monitored in the world. the civilian population is so propagandized that it acts as an early warning system. extraction team has to be small and silent -- i'd go with seals over delta force. problem is, don't want to hold a conventional sub off-shore for target practice. where's the polk? unless you whiskey run. quick-hit technique used by capone. rigged a getaway car with running boards and handles. all his guys had to do was jump on and take a ride. check the files -- dprk-57 -- i doped it out as a contingency plan: seal team infiltrates, picks up the package, links up with recovery sub. but don't waste time opening and closing hatches. they just grab the periscope and hang on for neutral waters. only four minutes to neutral waters, sir. why not? no, thank you, sir. thank you, sir. we hear back from the pentagon? hate this part. just sweating it out on the sidelines. is this my glory, sir? thank you, ma'am. um, may i ask what this is regarding? "coronado." i know that, sir. ma'am. it's just that. beggin' your pardon, senator, but. do you understand that this involves combat training? captain dwyer. technically. uh, question, ma'am. would i be the only one? the only woman? well, shit-a-doodle-do. well, i survived basic training and three brothers -- so i know how to fight. what scares me are the sexual politics. i don't want to be turned into some poster girl for women's rights. just like you would be. i take it you don't either. feet. royce. we're the same age, we started the same time -- and now you're sitting in the upperdecks while i'm still down in the bullpen. what does that tell you about the navy? you need operational duty to really advance. you need combat training to go operational. yet combat training is off-limits to people with tits. i'm topped out at intel. forget the glass ceiling -- i'm beating my head on a big brass ceiling. this has nothing to do with you. get your dick back here. it has everything to do with you. sorry. but after our days. so if i try this thing. if i ship out to coronado. what happens here? wai', wait. what happens if it works? four months of training, three years of operational duty. what then? which is guy-speak for. you know, right up until you said that -- i thought i did know. thank you, royce. it was shaping up like such a tough call -- and then you go and make it so goddamn easy. really, thank you so much. excuse me, lieutenant. i was told this is where i check in. still don't have my bearings yet. direct me to the officer's quarters? fine. and the officer's quarters? thank you, ensign. thank you, sir. i'm fine, sir. thank you, sir. but i expect a certain amount of pain. barber was my next stop, sir. would've had it regulation sooner, only -- really, i have no problem with -- none at this time, sir. sir, i just want you to know. i'm not here to make a statement. i don't want to make men look foolish. all i care about is completing the training and getting operational experience -- just like everyone else, i suspect. we better get a medic over -- thank you, sir. but i like these just fine. i'll try anyway, sir. well, now i feel so much better. whose orders were those? and how do you know that? i didn't know they let you try again. especially at your age. sir. i can make this wall without -- say again, sir? chief, sir, i don't understand why -- what "all females"? if i'm the only -- pardon the hour, sir. but you told me to come to you immediately if i felt i was being mistreated in any way. it's you, sir. and it started the day i came here. it's this double-standard, the separate quarters, the deferential treatment. it's how you pulled out my chair and nearly served high tea the first time we met. i can't afford civility, sir. how am i supposed to fit in with these guys when you've got me set up as an outsider? even if i make it under these rules, i still lose, because there'll always be a flag in my file -- "yeah, she made it, but" i mean, really -- why didn't you just issue me a goddamn petticoat to wear around the base? pardon? i think you've resented me from the start, sir. no, sir. the shape doesn't bother me. it's just that goddamn rotten stench. same rules for everyone, sir. across the board, sir. wouldn't dream of it, sir. so i'll get a fair shot? your new roommate. anybody usin' these drawers here? funny, the c.o. says i can. that your desk? i'll take this one. listen, sex ape. i'm here to stay. and if you don't want me for a roommate or classmate, you got two options -- move out or ring out. end of file. what about you, mccool? any problem with the room assignment? just do it, okay? come on, montgomery. montgomery, why do they call you "flea"? so it really has nothing to do with actual brain size? well, flea, i appreciate the respect you just showed me. but i don't need it and don't want it -- not that kind of respect, anyway. it's just gonna hurt us both, okay? do that. hey. you okay, flea? what're you guys doing? huh? what, you gonna give it all up for a maple twist? how dumb you gotta be? that's exactly what they -- thanks, wick. see me, sir? can't complain, ma'am. uh, ma'am. sir, i want you to know that i had nothing to do with any of this. not this article, not -- permission to leave, sir? ah, c'mon. fine by me, sir! you're kiddin' me. permission to get dressed, sir? sir, someone mentioned you received the navy cross. may i ask what you got it for? i see. so when a man tries to rescue another man, he's a hero. but when he tries to rescue a woman, he's gone soft. it also seems like a problem with the men's attitude, sir. so maybe you should be sniffing around their shower room instead. mccool's that same rank. we're both j.g.'s. that's what i hear. who's "we"? i don't know if there's any single reason. but my father was navy. and he had this old-time recruiting poster in his den. it showed a girl trying on a sailor's uniform while saying, "gee, i wish i were a man! i'd join the navy!" was maybe 10 years old when i first saw it, and even then it felt wrong. made me mad. and i don't think a month has gone by that i haven't thought about that poster. "gee, i wish i were a man." the woman i saw you with. but are there. i mean, how many. royce. it's hard to find time to sleep, royce. much less keep up with my phone life. i feel like there's men here, there's women here -- then there's men. but hey, what'd i expect? me? why me? i saw an article. so why are you telling me this? you know, royce, i got enough heat on me without you turning up the jets, too. well, let me warm you: i'm going though with this. the more everybody fucks with me, fucks with my head, the more it just makes me want to finish. so don't expect me back crying in your arms any time soon, okay? still can't make up your mind, huh? gotta go, royce. sure. i'll join the crowd. south-southeast. and i don't want to hear another word till we're underground. newberry, get a photo. south? west? north? didn't even bitch about the seat, did i? i don't know. pri one is to protect the mission. if she represents a real threat, we have to do it. but did she see us? do you know for a fact that we are compromised? if not, firing will only give away our position to hostiles in the area. now how smart is that? all right, fire-and-evade maneuvers. drop everything but weapons and the prc radio -- we're gonna be high speed, low drag all the way to the link-up site. ready? move! fuck. basher-basher, this is ground crew six requesting emergency extraction. stand by for a prc fix. i'm lookin', i'm lookin'! 'cool? how long? please, how long? "don't know how much i can take". "a little taste of death". "save the nail". "it's been three days now". who is it? wick. they got your crew, too? you really came back for more? of this? if you got a good one, wick. they had to kill 'em? that's a good story. he was married? you got anybody, wick? how'd you make it last time, wick? how'd you get through this part? let's keep talkin', wick. just keep talkin' to me. "dad." dick, jane, and spot. green eggs and ham. you're not going to get anywhere. you might as well put me in the cage. should i be afraid? wasn't deemed a threat. no. yes. i mean, depends on -- that's not right. i think you're the liar. we didn't know we were compromised. firing would only've given away our position. no. sure. just like your men do. should i practice bleeding, too, sir? would that make me a better soldier? don't do it, don't do it. don't tell him shi -- fuck you and the boat you rode in on. sir. make you a deal, flea. never tell me how i look -- and i'll never tell you. sorry, didn't mean to -- first big night of liberty and no date? you're pathetic, wickwire. i can't go out. not like this. thanks for lying. but you're the class officer, wick, and it'd just be weird if we hook up. besides. do you, uh, know. we're going over to her place to make salad and pasta. just, you know, nothing special. sir? see me, sir? sir, if someone is suggesting that i'm a lesbian, they're wrong. they're very wrong. and i'd like to know where you got this information. this is insane. you've got no proof. we hugged. because the men didn't want me eating with them. jesus christ, let's get this right. sir, i just want you to know that this is either a gross mistake -- or someone's vindictive bullshit. in no way did anything happen between ensign blondell and myself. we're just friends. i'm saying, we're just friends. sir, please. if there's any way to do this without dragging everyone through the mud. sir. if tomorrow. i was not under your command. would the inquiry still go forward? would you have the discretion to end it right then and there? all i wanted was an honest chance. and if i couldn't get it, i couldn't stay. maybe. though it didn't seem like he was getting any satisfaction out of it. almost like. did i say he was class officer? no shortage of suspects. royce. tell me you didn't keep a file on me. it's done with, royce. let it go. i'm tired of fighting back. i just wanted to come home and be safe and have you here and the river there and just forget the rest of the world, okay? what about him. instructors typically pull three year assignments. this guy's in and out in one year -- your year. that sound right? sounds like an amazing coincidence. i don't know, i don't care. "in washington" wickwire said he was dry-docked in washington between stints at coronado. you don't crap out of spec-recon and get another shot without dispensation from someone up in flag country. he's got a sea daddy somewhere. yeah. me too. don't say my name. or rank. but can you do me a favor and pull a transfer order? "wickwire, thomas dane." see what you can find. who signed as his "sponsoring officer"? what'd you find, kathy? lieutenant j.g. o'neil. what chamber? which way is that? okay, which way? senator dehaven. dehaven. we can talk here or we can talk outside, senator. you tell me. lieutenant thomas wickwire. you know him. it should. you nominated him for spec-recon just three days after you nominated me. did you set me up? did you set me up just to see me fail? what changed? if i have to ask again, senator, i'll be asking in front of cameras. so? isn't the president jumping on your bandwagon? you don't know that. what are you saying? that a women's life is more valuable than a man's? that a women's death hurts a family more? you were never going to let women serve in combat. you always had a safety net. or thought you did. so the rhetoric gets you headlines. but the reality gets you in trouble. i wanted the choice. the chance to prove myself, my skills, my work, me. that's how it should've been. you promise wickwire a fast ticket, too? i'm sure it is. you know, i wonder what the secnav would think about it. if i spoke with him. so i wonder what the president would think. sir? what did he say? just walk away and never stop. good to see you again, too, sir. one-second intervals! go! cortez, see if you can dig out the tools without losing the rest of out gear. try a wrench on that thing. flea! keep your eyes on that spot! mark it, mark it! cortez? what the hell you waiting for? base, this is crew leader six. we have a downed helo 12 miles west- south west of base with three aboard. repeat, we have a downed helo with three aboard. flea, 'cool, cortez, newman -- take your minis, hit the water. go, go! base, this is crew leader six. what is your e.t.a. on that rescue helo? over. base, don't think you copied me. we are 12 miles out. seafox tops out at 30 knots, which makes it a no- show for 18 minutes. over. shut your hole, slutnik. basher one, this is o'neil. we are barely reading you. what is your situation? chief, sir -- rescue team won't be here for 15 minutes. what's your air situation? over. 15, sir. chief -- did i see a flare box aboard? and can you get at it? over. show us where you are, chief. spotted you, chief. pri one is to slip you some air, so we're coming down with a tank -- just something until the a-team shows. over. chief? so we got two full mini-tanks, three minutes each. 'cool? how much air in yours? grab an oar, find a way to weight it down, we're gonna need it. cortez, help him. flea? you take one of the two full minis -- and just follow my lead. so i guess we get one shot at it. chief, sir. still with me? sir, let me suggest you stop giving orders and start doing exactly what i say, because that's the only way we're all getting out of here. now how's your vest check out? still good? flea, take the pilot up slow, feed him air. chief, sir, you and i are gonna take the express elevator outta here. remember to let your air out. ready? shut up, sir. i'm concentrating. the navy cross. i was looking for him earlier, but. just a coincidence? so here we are again. staring three years of operational duty in the face. which is guy-speak for.