we're fucked. we are so fucked. nice distribution, though. somebody throw a tent over this circus. "it's not a job -- it's an adventure." this where you bailed last time, wick? wick! they really got donuts over there? or just some'a last night's dinner rolls? just askin' i say keep paddlin'! we're almost -- had a grandaddy who wanted to be a navy man. wanted to fire them big guns on a big-ass battleship. but navy said to him, "oh, no. you can only do one thing on a battleship." "well what's that?" grandaddy said. "cook," they said. now this ain't 100 years ago -- i'm talkin' united states navy, middla world war ii. and you know the reason they gave him? you know why they tol' my grandaddy he couldn't fight for his country? "negroes can't see at night. bad night vision." see, you just the new nigger on the block, o'neil. that's all. and maybe you moved in too early. 32 feet, six inches, sir! got two favs moving south. i make. four banditos aboard, carrying. h-60 machine guns. you mind? i'm trying to eat here. what the. got an unknown here. 100 yards north-northeast. she part of the training? shit. think we're had. i ain't gonna shoot her. hey. ain't your call, man. mighta been civilian. fuck me. what's our go-to-shit plan, o'neil? 32 feet, six inches! smoke it! down. stay down. so what'd he want? o'neil? what the shit is. visibility drops dead at 40 feet. if they're deeper than that. beacon's a no-go for us. what? maybe half. not even. o'neil. our air's gonna crap out as soon as we get down there. you know that, don't you? hoooooo-yah!