just trying to thin the herd. that's all they want to do right now. i got eyes, newberry. cuh-lass, face right! they're more afraid of you. it was made clear before you came -- harassment equals career suicide. can't say anything good, so they don't say much at all. to your face, anyway. it was made clear. anyway, stay ballsy. first week's hell, then it levels out. until s.e.r.e. training, anyway. that's hell-and-a-half. made it to week 10 last time. you're kind of a surprise yourself. fuck. yes sir. just let it go. if it's in your favor, just shut the hell up and take it. 'sposed to be 20-minute intervals, no more. huh-uh -- but wasn't middla february last time, either. hey. way to gut it out. you know, i had an apartment about this size once. intagliata was out chasing breakfast. they found his tracks. well, shit. when i was sittin' behind a desk in washington, it made sense, somehow. blame it on my big brother. he was spec-recon. and the stories he used to tell. one time he was doing a rekkie of the libyan coastline. this is, like, right before we bombed khadaffi into the past tense. so his crew does a nighttime infil, maps all the big artillery placements and stuff, then turns around to get the hell gone. but between them and the water are five libyan guards, all armed to the nuts. nah, they were dead-ass asleep. but on every guard's chest,they left one marlboro cigarette. just a little calling card to say they'd been there -- and could come back any time they wanted. so the shit you gotta go through? to get from here to there? brother said it was worth it. worth the training. worth the divorce. worth anything. at first. not me. you? o'neil? last time i didn't. that's okay. just an ex-girlfriend. and know i remember why. maybe i'll just head over to mcp's with the others, have a drink or four. don't wanna come, do you? i think you look beautiful. sure, sure. okay. well. thought i'd ask. i'm sorry, o'neil. but as class officer, it's my obligation to report all violations. i wish i didn't have to do this, jordan.