hello, duke. then she round house kicks him with her boot across the face, knocks him out on his ass. you have to admit you had that coming. ana struggles with something going on inside her head. then her face reluctantly hardens and she takes her hand off the first viper's gun barrel, giving duke an apologetic look. good-bye, duke. duke can't believe it. ana suddenly glances up at something behind duke. it's a "howler" transport rocketing onto the scene, its four-winged jet thrusters rotating ninety degrees to slow it into a hover. duke takes the opportunity to jump to his feet and lay out in the viper. ana turns and hauls- ass. a black-clad figure fast ropes down out of the howler and lands behind a viper and snaps his neck. moving in a blur, he draws and buries a katana blade into another viper. then he glances at the last viper who's lining up on him, too far away to reach with his sword. he quick-draws a glock pistol. bam! right between the eye slit in his helmet. all this in the space of six breathless seconds. duke glances at the almost mystical figure of snake-eyes sheathing his sword on his back while holstering his smoking glock. red ninja clan marking on his tri-cep. bad-ass defined. snake-eyes leaps behind the cougar wreck as a pulse burst just missed him. duke immediately takes off after ana, his eyes locked on the weapons case in her hands, pulse bursts crackling past his head. he curses under his breath: if you'd let me stage the assault at your precious factory, we could have contained the situation. you're implying this was about some ancient history? that's as laughable as your intel. what went wrong was the joes appearing out of nowhere. he stares at her suspiciously, then softens. forget that, where are we now? have you tracked the case? i will get those warheads back. if i were really there, i might actually let you touch me. business first. besides, i'm married, remember? her holo-form blinks off, leaving mccullen alone in the room. how is work at the lab? so the minister of defense was pleased? of course. i didn't get what i was after. they head up the stairs. most husbands would be. i never get over how beautiful. let me change and freshen up and i'll meet you for dinner. he's my husband, of course he touches me. tell mccullen to grow up. besides, the baron says his work in the lab goes much better after we've. touched. and that's the important thing. the doctor. duke. it's beautiful. it's too nice you lunatic. time already? is it wmds? it is, right? that's why you're pulling rex out of the yeah, yeah. classified. top secret. have to kill me if you told me, blah, blah, blah. yes. of course it's yes. on one promise me that you won't let my genius egghead brother get hurt. he's the only family i've got left. promise me. i already said yes. always and forever. ripcord flips open his cell phone and takes the photo of ana that duke carries with him. the foundation of this fence is a hundred feet deep. no going under. ten neo-viper mole pods start to burst out the wall. and then there's a crashing sound as one of the wall girders bends, obviously a mole machine in the clay behind it hit it. ana can hear the engine grind to a halt. if we don't get him out he'll suffocate. storm shadow gives her a look: like i care? just thought i'd mention it. is there any other? near the top the man finally falls backward and drops down dead. storm shadow nods to the next viper. without hesitation the man walks over and grabs the fence. he is immediately jolted, but keeps climbing, burning and bubbling. this guy makes it to the top, throws himself over, and crashes to the ground, then crawls over and pulls the off switch, cutting the electricity before dropping dead himself. ana, storm shadow and the others quickly scale the fence. fine. done. then she takes a step toward duke. you can't shoot me, can you? deep down, you're still the same man i fell in love with. what could have been, right, duke? you beside your best man. me walking down the aisle. "don't make me do this?" a recurring theme in your life, right duke? she takes another step. duke levels his pistol right at her forehead. storm shadow flinches. duke gives him a glance. do it, duke. .you already killed me once. and in duke's eyes we see him falter, just a bit. ripcord passes ana, and wit hone lightning quick hand she slaps at duke's pistol. an errant shot goes off. storm shadow lunges at ripcord, slicing his pistol in half with one sword and about to kill him with the other. when suddenly, snake-eyes lunges into frame. clang! snake- eyes' katana blade saves ripcord's life by a half inch. the rest of the neo-vipers arrive and immediately open fire, pinning both duke and ripcord down. all hell breaks loose. snake-eyes and storm shadow lunge at one another, swords flashing at impossible speeds, then they lock swords. face- to-face, staring hard into each other's eyes. why do you keep at it? so that i mccullenne ver forget the most important rul e in dealing arms. never sell to storm shadowboth sides? good morning. gene. my husband's expecting me. i need you to do something for me and i don't have much time. they're warheads, dear. and i need you to weaponize them for me. .or we'll kill everyone in here. decobray stares at her, shocked. he looks at storm shadow who removes a glock pistol from his belt and shoots a technician. chaos erupts. decobray shouts to the room, calming the others somewhat. he stares at ana and storm shadow, terrified. the protocols are in the case. i told you, i don't have much time. decobray reluctantly takes the weapons case. thank you, leon. adieu. decobray watches her go, then opens the envelope. we see the large header printed on the first page: "accord de divorce". how thoughtful. be ready to pick up in thirty seconds. in the skies: the typhoon gunship rockets towards the top of the disintegrating eiffel tower, its side door opening. on the tower: duke scales the tower, the nano-mites chasing him up. his eyes on the elevator as it reaches the top deck just above him. the typhoon fires a blast of its concussion cannons at duke, knocking him off the tower. he falls, but manages to catch the tower just below, the nano-mites almost on top of him now. the climbs even faster. on the top deck: the elevator arrives. ana and storm shadow calmly walk out and climb the railing as the typhoon hovers up beside them. below them, duke sees them board. the tower groans and wobbles. it's a long way down. time has run out. ana and storm shadow jump into the typhoon. you just saved paris. storm shadow is not happy at all, he tasers duke, who drops hard to the floor of the typhoon. he thinks i should kill you. james wants to meet you in person. mr mccullen. --talk softly, or he'll tazer you again. i should've thought of this before. they almost share a smile. i'm a complex woman. who i was died long ago. tell me what she was like. it doesn't matter now. nothing will ever be right again. duke stares at her, his heart ripped apart. we push in on the two of them and flashback to: no! mccullen has plans for him! storm shadow throws a star, it whistles across the cave and nails duke in his shoulder, duke goes down hard, staggers back up, but the neo-vipers are already on him, they start beating the living shit out of him. ana jogs up. enough! storm shadow picks up the case and looks at duke, face down, bloody and beaten. certain work needs to be done away from the public eye. i don't have much time. she rushes over and unties him and they stare at each other, then kiss passionately. all of a sudden, duke feels something behind her right ear, he turns her head, --an incision scar. he looks at her, but before he can say anything, ana's body snaps rigid and falls limp in his arms. i won't be here long. duke? after all i've done, .you can't save me, .it's too late. a beat passes between them. you know, this has only just begun. she touches his face, then the prison bars slam shut between them. she holds his eyes a moment longer, then the two prison guards lead her away. duke just watches her go, his face torn with pain. he walks off alone.