please hand over the case, sir. someone would like a word with you. breaker sets a holo-projector on the ground in front of duke, which projects a 3d image of general hawk. duke is stunned. just need to deactivate its tracking beacon, for security. wasn't hard, was it? tunisia. where were you born? not our call. ripcord sits up, really woozy, looks at scarlett. because his name is wallace weems! the suit or the girl? we already have. my scan says they're intact. that bloke's beta waves were going up, down, and sideways. i think he's hiding something. and off the faces of the rest of the group we cut back to: we grabbed an image from heavy- duty's helmet cam. ripcord looks stunned, he leans closer to duke and whispers: now we can run the face through an infinity scan. everyone gets photographed in some way at some time. atm machines, airports, crowd shots at a football game. we'll find her. duke just stares at ana's photo. ripcord whispers quietly: aw, ripcord's heart just skipped a beat. isn't that sweet? sorry, scarlett, gotta go with heavy d on this one. like my man says, get a girl on the floor, you don't just see how she moves, you get the smell of her. what biologists tell us is that the decision is made by he nose long before the rest of the body gets involved. it's a question of pheromones. you can't learn this stuff in a book, scarlett. you have to at least kiss a guy, before you're an expert on romance. the guys all laugh. scarlett blushes, then raises her bow. into the valley of death rode the i think i found her. her name is ana decobray now, baroness if you're feeling formal. baron decobray. big shot french scientist. runs a lab in paris. particle accelerator. that's them! snake-eyes is already moving, lunging out a side door onto the street as the brawler still moves, running right at the scarab which turns to get away. scarlett immediately follows him out, landing in a roll with her accelerator suit. ana leans out of her window and fires her pulse pistols at the brawler, keeping duke and rip inside. then she fires at snake-eyes and scarlett. snake-eyes dives, but the blasts nail scarlett. she crashes hard. snake-eyes glances at her. careful. they're worth millions of dollars. each. christ, they just shot right through a bus! they're turning the corner. go through that building at 6 o'clock! this's their route from the lab. on the screen, they see the lab, the current position of the scarab, and what lies just ahead. . .the eiffel tower. come on! he hauls-ass. plugging into his cerebral cortex. with a sickening crunch, breaker plunges the needle into the top of the neo-viper's head. ripcord winces at the sight. if this guy remembers the way home we can. insert: a flash of memories appearing on breaker's hud. duke shooting him in the face, racing along the highway, driving the armored car. as the images continue, we push in on the neo-viper's open eyes and cut to: nano-mites! relax, i got it. that was for mccullen. there is the sound of weapons being raised. the team looks to see they are surrounded by french police and paratroopers. if we could get on a might be to computer we longitude able input the partial les g es latitude, and viper, figu the downloaded from tha t re out their locati --start an international incident. this is bigger than duke. we only got the one coordinate-- 90 degrees, then the image went to snow. general! hawk just shakes his head and sighs heavily. that's strange. when they stole the weapons case, i set my suit to scan for the tracker beacon in case it came back on, and it just came back on. ripcord just smiles. oh, jesus. that's an automated, phased array turbo-pulse battery. a really big gun. that thing could take out a dozen subs simultaneously. maybe we could slide down. snake-eyes shakes his head, doubtful what about the other two? they're already way out of range. no. any object larger than a quarter will fry your britches. snake-eyes shakes his head with a sigh, then steps forward and leaps onto the floor, landing on his fingertips. what you'll have to do is rewire the laser panel's brain by-- --snake-eyes swiftly balances on one set of fingertips while his other fingers grab his sword and stab the laser panel. the sound of the laser net instantly vanishes. or you cold just stab it. okay, i've got a lock on the two remaining warheads. target one is moscow! target two is washington! you have to knock it down before it re-enters the atmosphere so the nano-mites don't reach the ground. must be a different language. nice work, ace. you just saved moscow. hurry, rip. you've only got thirty seconds before it enters the lower atmosphere. you missed! the warhead has entered the lower atmosphere! you're too close, rip. back up. he's taking the nano-mites back up into the upper atmosphere. he did it. he actually did it. energy overload in the phased array battery. power subsystems are going critical.