hello, darling. steady progress. he was. you know i wish i could tell you more. you were gone a long time. how were the shops in monte carlo? i suppose i should be grateful. most husbands don't have such mysterious wives, they know exactly where they are and what they do. neither do i. she spots storm shadow standing in an ante room and quickly spins to face her husband. she pulls decobray close and kisses him. storm shadow makes a move, but ana warns him off with her eyes, she finishes the kiss and looks at decobray. of course. decobray smiles at her and leaves. the smile falls from ana's face as she spins around and heads for storm shadow. ana? who is this? she beckons storm shadow who sets the weapons case down on decobray's desk, opening it up to reveal the four nanotech warheads and their launchers. decobray stares, bewildered. i don't understand. what are these things? what's going on? this is a civilian laboratory. we don't have the correct programming protocols for weaponizing. firing. decobray hits a switch. the particle accelerator charges and begins hurling atoms through miles and miles of underground tunnels. inside the accelerator, the four warheads begin to spin in a glass vacuum chamber -- then, as the power grows, they begin to rise, each one hovering as they spin. ana and storm shadow watch with mild curiosity as the noise inside the chamber builds. the atoms catapulting faster and faster through the tunnels, bombarding the warheads again and again. until finally, a loud boom rings out. and the warheads slowly sink back down and stop spinning. decobray keys another button and the glass vacuum chamber emerges from the accelerator. careful. they're alive. i think i have never seen the face of evil until i looked at you now. ana looks at him and falters, something in his words piercing her hard veneer. she feels storm shadow watching her and with a flick of her eyes, the walls go up again. she drop a sealed envelope on decobray's desk and heads for the door.