time to lay down some bass! he fires a grenade and the viper flies back out of frame. you blink, you miss it. boom! the typhoon fires at heavy duty, but the howler is just as nimble, fires its left-side thrusters which roll it onto its side. the concussion blasts whip past and decimate the forest behind it. hanging awkwardly, heavy duty fires a double blast of hand grenades. the typhoon's mini-gun quickly shoots them out of the air. the howler fires missiles which hit the concussion cannons and rip them apart. the typhoon shakes. ana races for the recovering typhoon. duke races after her through a hail of pulse-fire and draws his pistol. lower your weapon, sir. we're not the enemy. the name's heavy duty. duke has the weapons case on his lap. oprah. and how'd that bitch in leather get a jump jet like ours? if you want to join us, you'll need to be mission ready, joe style. this is the mark one accelerator suit. you. it'll make you run faster, jump higher, and hit harder than any of your enemies. a titanium boot slides over a shoe. cobalt machine parts snap into place with a hiss over duke and rip's arms and legs. head-to-toe turbo-hydraulics and highly-pressurized pneumatics. they both slap on aerodynamic, flying-wing helmets. inside, the cybernetic power-up with an ear piercing whine. laser enhanced led readouts scramble and fritz across their huds. an advanced cybernetics heads-up display, feeding into your helmet. duke checks out two gas-propelled grappling spears and six wrist rockets around his right forearm. two gas propelled grappling spears and six ten millimeter, hi- explosive, heat seeking, fire-and- forget rockers. rip spins the twin barrels of a caseless submachine gun on his left forearm. a cheshire grin spreads across his face. and a nine millimeter, caseless submachine gun with six hundred rounds capable of firing all of them in thirty seconds. duke and ripcord are now buckled in, getting a feel for the flexible, poly-alloy suits. ripcord glances at heavy duty. you can learn a whole hell of a lot about a girl by the way she dances. tell me i'm wrong snake-eyes. snake-eyes, sharpening his sword, barely looks up. see? he agrees. all i know is, when the bass get's that booty shaking in the right way, i'm in the skin like a man named flynn. heavy duty does a little freak dance. scarlett makes a show of disgust. ripcord watches scarlett, then makes a decision. yo joe! welcome aboard, boyz! who likes croissants? there it is. he's still alive! you ever seen a dead guy do that? nice. it'll be a military when they're done tribunal. need a lawyer. we with us and 'll need diapers. how long before we're released? that's a lotta ice. mccullen's home away from home. how you figure getting it offline? snake-eyes points to the diving bell cables n the monitor. go, joes. let's get in this fight. everyone into the attack boats! keep tight everybody. he fires a harpoon torpedo which blasts a mantis. the mantis craft return fire. the whole area explodes in a pulse fire and harpoon blasts. the joe submarine sinks and explodes at the base of the facility. my guy will take care of it, trust me. turbo-laser is down! he guns his engines, firing at a mantis attack craft. it explodes. heavy duty howls with delight. around him, the joes begin to turn the tide of the battle. a series of shots of mantis vehicles getting nailed by joe harpoon cannons. we got a runner! cut him off! all of a sudden, the whole damn facility explodes. inside the diving bell: our heroes are rocked by the blast, then they see massive chunks of polar ice plummet down from the ice pack above, cutting off heavy duty and the joes, and demolishing the remainder of the facility. the trident disappears behind the trillions of bubbles and falling ice. go joes!! 25: good ones? the other guard glares at him. mccullen goes for the kill. it shall not end with my death. the warden smiles back sinisterly. yeah, except for all the blood. duke sees blood on the back of rip's head. then they hear a loud roar and turn to see the typhoon hover by the grizzly. then whoever you are, whatever this unit is, i want in. are you sure you're not a mccullen? the french. zartan cracks his knuckles and gives mccullen a nod. mccullen looks back at the doctor. they think they know. no, five. hello brother. snake-eyes looks shocked. storm shadow uses the moment to elbow him in the face, knocking him hard to the ground. ana grabs the weapons case as scarlett rushes in, aiming her we'll let cnn show everyone how w ell they perform. i want them to fear me. it will be storm shadowdone. that ought to hold you. metal. oh god. you guys okay? well, what was the "noo!" for? that's me. i loved my sister! do you have any idea the state she was in? me dead. you awol. depression, drugs. teine. the pulse laser fires point blank. the missile explodes right in front of him. ripcord flies through the flames, the cloud of nano-mites latching onto his wings.