the warheads! heavy duty reluctantly doesn't shoot, everyone watching ana backpedal towards the waiting typhoon. duke charges like a bull and tackles her. ana sprawls and the case tumbles free. duke and ana go eye-to-eye for a split second, then duke goes after the case while the joes take the opportunity to spray gunfire her way. ana zigs, zags, and dives into the typhoon, which is raked by the bullets. that's classified. snake-eyes discreetly grabs shrunken throwing stars from his belt, but a look from scarlett makes him out them back. he's going into shock. i thought all the special ops guys were tough. we'd get tossed for telling. you two a team or something? why do they call you that? breaker laughs, reading ripcord's file: liquid armor. they reach the deep sea combat level where dozens of men and women are testing fantastic next-gen underwater vehicles. whoever she is, she's clearly well- financed, with access to highly classified intel and state of the art weaponry. their capabilities are beyond anything we've ever encountered. breaker? sixty-three seconds. not bad. but not good enough. gotta get under a minute to qualify. forty-five. no, me. ripcord glances at scarlett's crossbow pistol. if you're going to shoot at something, kill it. otherwise take up knitting. here. go on. try it. oh, that's so thoughtful of you. i'm the "target in your sights," right? you've got ten rounds to "take me down". they're training arrows. the most i'll feel is a little jolt. guess you didn't really want me that bad, rip. she holds his eyes a moment longer, then lets him go. as she walks away, scarlett casually tosses the arrow, it hits the ground and explodes. ripcord and duke jump back. ripcord glances at the underside of the pistol's magazine. three words: "caution: live bolts". both men watch scarlett saunter back to the beginning of the course, awestruck. breaker walks by eating a burrito and watching his bio-rhythm display. no, he doesn't. do you? this time snake-eyes looks up, his expression unreadable. see, he knows you have to listen to get to know someone. right, rip? rip is happily stowing his liquid armor gear, glances over. you're going to teach me science? i read all about the positron emission tomography studies concerning sex pheromones when i was twelve. i'm just saying, it's not very romantic. rip whispers to duke, nodding towards scarlett. who am i shooting first? the laughter stops. rip looks surprised. "we're attracted to one another." that's what you're saying, not what i'm saying. attraction is an emotion. emotions are not based in science. and if you can't quantify or prove that something exists, well, in my mind. it doesn't. i believe you've got my luggage. ana stares at scarlett, then quick-draws a pulse pistol. her shot tears the crossbow pistol out of scarlett's hands. ana's got her dead-to-rights until scarlett triggers her camo- suit, melting into nothing right in front of ana. ana doesn't spot the ripples of air around her until she's stuck hard. the case goes flying. another smack and her pistol is knocked free. ana grabs a second pistol, but that's just as quickly twisted out of her grasp and dropped. ana fights the invisible scarlett as best she can, but scarlett lands several unseen blows on her. ripcord and duke take out a pair of neo-vipers. storm shadow climbs back into the arclight. looking at ana as she falls near a vehicle on the blocks. ana grabs an oil pan and flings the oil, which sprays over everything, including scarlett, making her visible. ana leaps on scarlett, knocks her to the ground and angrily begins to choke the life out of her. storm shadow ignites the arclight which jumps into the air, powered by an arc of blue light shooting out of its engine pack. he quickly swoops towards the two women and grabs ana by her arm, pulling her along. ana grabs the weapons case and they soar up out of the motor pool and over the landing pad. the battle raging below them. ripcord and duke fire after them, but they vanish up into the next level. heavy duty, now back in action, takes out the last of the neo-vipers. snake-eyes checks on scarlett who's nursing her neck. i'm fine. i looked at it, it's fine. i know what you're trying to do. i don't have time for this. it's not you, i. i didn't really want anyone to. see me in here. i don't know. all the people we lost last night. general hawk. my neck is not that important. first fight i've lost since i was a kid. my father would be. he was my instructor. he taught me to win. we're not a couple. snake-eyes and me. we're. close, he's like a brother, but. we're not a couple. ripcord looks back at her, nods, then walks on out. nano-mites. i wrote my thesis on the theory behind them at oxford. they've been surgically implanted behind the ear, all programmed to accomplish different tasks. theoretically, the possibilities are endless. increase their speed, agility, resilience. you program, they perform. that's the genius of nanotechnology, it can do pretty much whatever you want it to. i don't see why not. you may be right. maybe he needed nato to pay for his r d. what about it? lab? breaker call up an image of decobray standing in front of a huge particle accelerator along with some other scientists. they're gonna use him to weaponize the warheads. heavy d and breaker will stay in the brawler, watch our back. the rest of us will break into the lab with the accelerator suits. once the warheads are weaponized, they'll be extremely volatile. we can't afford to let any of them go off inside the city. ripcord looks at snake-eyes. he doesn't need one. keep going! with that, he leaps after the scarab, just grabbing the back of the vehicle as it tears away. the brawler stops right next to scarlett, out of breath, her accelerator suit don't worry about me, go and help snake-eyes! duke doesn't need to be told twice. he leaps out and runs after the scarab. rips starts to follow, breaker grabs him. look at the moves they're making, they're heading somewhere. breaker widens the map, plotting a route. don't shoot! we're a special anti- terrorist unit! there's a bomb up there! police cars are now rushing up behind them. on the second floor: ana and storm shadow speed over to the main tower elevator and barge their way inside. storm shadow hurls the elevator operator out as ana opens the weapons case and removes one of the nanotech warheads and its kill switch. through the stunned crowd, they see snake-eyes reach the top of the stairs behind. ana rolls the warhead towards him while storm shadow lines up on him with the security guard's pistol as if to shoot him. snake-eyes glares defiantly at storm shadow who just grins and lowers his gun at the warhead. a single shot and the warhead explodes. snake-eyes recoils. on the ground: everyone hears the warhead detonate. on the first floor: duke and ripcord freeze. on the second floor: a burst of nano-mites spreads out in all directions. storm shadow closes the elevator doors and hits a button for the top. the elevator races upwards as everything else gets eaten by the ravenous nano-mites. the floor begins to disappear. tourists stampede towards the stairs. a little girl is thrown from her mother's grip. the mother screams out for her child as the girl goes over the railing. the brain survives for a couple of minutes after death. we can read his most recent memories. he's not alive. they activated a self-destruct. the neo-viper's body starts to decay before them. thousands of nano-mites literally eating away at his flesh and bones. hurry, breaker! but the nano-mites are too fast. the neo-viper's legs are now gone. his chest and arms next. breaker rapidly scans through the memory flashes. but now the nano-mites consume his head. and we'll do the same for him as soon as we get out of here. she has a thought and turns to breaker. partial? you said partial latitude and longitude. maybe it was the whole coordinate, just 90 degrees latitude. before the image went to snow,. it's the polar ice cap. rip's dog tags hit the floor and slide to his feet. the joes all look up to see several police officials looking at them. maybe a northern one. hawk smiles and wheels out the door. what? it's an underwater facility. wait, what's that? breaker zooms in on a massive turbo-laser cannon. could it take out our sub? then that's our first objective. the main force can't attack as long as that cannon's online. elevator cables. they've got a surface entrance. shipwreck? she turns to the submarine commander, hector "shipwreck" delgado, a fiery spanish naval combat veteran. snake-eyes, breaker, ripcord, and i will infiltrate the factory from above and destroy the cannon. heavy d, as soon as we give the word, you lead the assault from outside. the arctic water would kill us. then somebody has to go up there and shoot those things down. can you even fly this thing? ripcord? he glances at her, a moment between them. then she presses forward and kisses him on the mouth. he stares back at her. good luck. it's pressure plated and laser protected. anyway around it? give ripcord the coordinates. it's gotta be voice-activated. you have to say the words into your flight helmet. try "teine". it's scottish for fire. listen to my voice, "teine". ripcord? what happened? rip! ripcord? talk to me. ripcord! still nothing. and now they begin to suspect the worst. then: what happened? are you okay? yes. yes, it worked. let's get out of here! scarlett grabs breaker by the scruff of the neck and hauls him out of the room. snake! snake-eyes grimaces, then looks scarlett in the eyes. i feel very. emotional. duke smiles and the joes climb aboard as the platform rises.