this is going to be the achievement of a lifetime. eighteen months of studying the subject, learning the mannerisms, adopting his eating habits, losing sixty percent of my muscle mas. once the ledgers are all square. it's a useful tool. you should understand that. ah! the transfer just hit my account. zartan puts the pda aside, leans back on the gurney and let's do this. the doctor straps zartan down, then starts the smart robots which converge on zartan, injecting his body with dozens of long needles. he remains conscious, not feeling any pain. we zoom into a large needle which opens an incision behind his right ear. the needle feeds thousands of tiny nano-mites into zartan's head. zartan's eyes bulge, he starts to scream and fight his restraints as the nano-mites begin to reshape his appearance, reforming facial bones and changing the texture and elasticity of his skin and even changing the color of his eyes. the doctor grins proudly. mccullen looks disturbed.