yo, sky. happy birthday. yeah, since mom died-- what, five years? so how you been? how's elizabeth? any kids? congrat-- you're divorced. too bad, she was actually interesting. so you're all alone in the house of pain. all over. nowhere in particular. didn't your fucking gumshoes keep you informed of my every movement? it's gorgeous down there. you should go sometime. that's not why i'm here, sky, i just wanted to see you. i even brought a gift, for a change. you can't still be mad about the hash brownies. happy birthday, bro. it's a bomb. open it! i can't tell you very much about it, that'd ruin the surprise. just promise me you'll give 'em a call. just call 'em. ok look, it's simple, really. they entertain you. no, it's nothing like that. they're a business, they're for real. they guarantee just one thing-- you won't be bored. they make your life fun. you've heard of it. old connection used to meet me here. so you gonna call 'em? "a delicate liquidation," god, you would do this. we can't get together once without you making me feel like shit. that's important to you, isn't it? forget about it, don't bother. go away. i just thought you'd like it. i did, it was a blast, best thing that ever happened to me. and for your information, i'm not on anything anymore, i'm not even seeing a shrink, i'm in a better place than i've ever been, i'm even happy-- but that's something else i wouldn't be able to explain to you. whatever. i know. oh, shit, sorry sky, i spaced-- next tuesday? buy you lunch soon as you get back, i swear. hey, great, you gonna go for it? drive. anywhere. i'm sorry sky, just drive, please-- i almost didn't make it at all. i been in the bar for hours, waiting for you to come back to your car-- jesus, i can't believe i did this to you, i'm so sorry-- the game! it just doesn't stop! i thought i'd finished playing a long time ago, i paid the bill, then it started all over again, they won't leave me alone-- everything. it just doesn't stop. i don't know! i paid them more to make it stop, god help me i even gave you to them. but they won't leave me alone! what's this? oh shit, oh shit they must be following us-- they're shooting at us! of course not. just hurry-- i'll pop the trunk. like you don't know. sonofabitch, they got to you first, didn't they? it's more than that isn't it? you're part of it, you're one of them! of course, it makes perfect sense! you're behind the whole thing aren't you? you and your sick fucking friends set it up-- i don't know, out of boredom, to get back at me-- for being a weirdo, for trying to be happy? well, congratulations, you win. now make it stop! fuck you! hello sky. sorry, i was just eating. i'm much better. really. in what together? oh, schuyler, there is no game. it was just a fantasy of mine, a self- aggrandizing delusion. i can't believe you took that shit seriously. oh, man, stop fucking with me! you know the game doesn't exist. it never did! it never did. can you see? oh god, oh god, sky, save me, i don't wanna die, i don't wanna-- sky, noooo!! hey, bro, how you doin'? admit it, you weren't bored. jesus. sky, c'mon sky-- you've been wanting to do that for a long, long time, haven't you? like they'd really leave a loaded gun lying around. they went over the whole place with a metal detector, then packed that thing with blanks. so what's the object of the game? very good. mine was a little weirder. tell you about it sometime. the bill. it's itemized. don't bother opening it now. well, no, the card was the gift, the rest was up to you.