problem? van orton, huh? i'll take him. jim feingold, v. p. in charge of engineering and data analysis. sorry about the chaos, we're still in the process of moving. follow me, i've got an office around here someplace. i can't remember the last time i ate in a restaurant, all i do is work. application, mmpi and tat tests, financial statement. want some? tung hoy, best in chinatown. the tests serve a threefold purpose. first off, are you right for us? are we right for you? unfortunately, there's a limited number of slots-- b, we need an idea of your abilities and limitations, what turns you on, and off. numero tres, our insurance company requires it. you're familiar with our service, aren't you? well. it's a game. recharges the batteries, gets you off the treadmill, it's an experience. sort of a-- vacation for the guy who's been everywhere. nothing. i know who you are. you're david van orton's brother, he got you in here. david was-- impressive, one of the better i've seen. but frankly, i can see you're not the type. you know, a player. i don't mean anything personal by it-- i know you're an important guy, powerful guy, you're used to being on top. it's just, this isn't for everyone. not everyone can handle it. the ultimate fucking game. i wish i could tell you more, but it's different every time. thanks for coming in-- interesting, you don't know the first thing about it but you've already decided what it is. listen, i don't wanna waste any more-- ms. nelson, are you busy? we need someone to run mr. van orton. i'll catch up with you after the physical. sorry to keep you waiting, a client's head exploded. you can get dressed, we're done. looks promising at this point. you test well, you're in decent shape for someone in your tax bracket. hm, some resistance to the psych questions, but we got the general idea. we design the game around your schedule, you're free to give it as much or as little time as you wish. and of course, you can call it quits at any point. you'd have to ask our billing department. the price varies. but our service comes with a guarantee. if you're not satisfied, there's no charge. and we've never had an unsatisfied customer. mm, that's right-- you're a left- brain word fetishist. it's a leap of faith. but at this stage, there's no commitment-- we just need to process your application. and if you qualify, you're in for the ride of your life. what have you got to lose? initials-- initials-- sign here. in blood. ---just kidding. very good, mr. van orton. please, keep the pen. we'll be in touch. oh please. i got my kids here. hey, everyone-- here's a twenty! snack time! look, buddy, it was just a job-- nothing personal, y'know? i play my part, improvise a little, that's what i'm good at, i still do a little stand-up-- of crs? christ, nobody knows, nobody gets the big picture-- jason, tommy, cut it out! goddammit, why do they do that. they own the whole building, they just move from floor to floor. uh-uh, i'm sorry and all, but-- no way, it's too dangerous. we're here, sky. they said they're on the twelfth floor. look-- what are you gonna do? really? you shot her!? no! qh god no. he fucking shot them!! hang on, just hang on, you're gonna make it-- oh god. i thought you could handle it. all the tests. they said you could handle it. god, why-- there was no point. it was supposed to be fun. sure glad you jumped, compadre. otherwise i was supposed to throw you off. it's not strictly legal, so don't tell anyone. the cigar. it's a monte cristo, straight from havana.