i go to college. i thought you knew. i don't drink coffee, daddy. and this is not what we should be talking about. i'm seeing your play tonight, remember? so at the intermission i can listen to the ball game. do you know that mother is seeing a prominent divorce lawyer? is it? she's doing like those iranians. `i divorce thee. i divorce thee. i divorce thee' mother is totally, you know, upset. he doesn't want to hear it. because they get outstanding settlements. and mother is determined that this time there's no turning back. because you refuse to believe she's serious. you've always refused. oh please. not now. she wants you to stop seeing what's- her-name. finally. now and forever. do you think that's too much to ask? for a wife of nineteen years. she is kicking you out. bullshit, daddy. mother won't tell me how long you've been seeing this person. she's embarrassed to tell me. so why don't you tell me? i didn't turn her into mother. you did. know what mother said to me? daddy's demons are so intense he doesn't even know he's lying. thanks, daddy. but i just need one. mother's not going. i know -- why should a bitter divorce interfere with tradition? rogan, laurel. you also have a rogan, lillian. she won't need it. sell it. i have a class. i'm late. i'm not sure. why won't you tell me your name? i'm willing to tell you my name. you have to tell me what you thought of the play. brilliantly moving. packs an emotional wallop. a flat-out hit. criminology. yes. i have this thing where i have to know a person is being honest with me before, you know, i can feel completely free to be myself. what do we want? deception isn't something i personally consider sexy. knowing who a person is. down deep. you won't even tell me your name. what's shocking about a name? i don't think he knew, daddy. daddy, i'm sorry. but he was so beautiful. i trusted him. when i saw what he really looks like -- yes. except i won't have a father anymore. what will we talk about? will i believe you when you tell me something? daddy, wait. yes. and no more evasive tactics. see, daddy. what else? see, daddy. faster, daddy.