your father said you might be here. i've been looking for you because i want to let you know what's been going on before you read about it in a gossip column. i want to be fair-minded, nicky. i've been talking to a prominent divorce lawyer. he has his own submarine. i'll be getting everything that matters. i'll get new york and i'll get connecticut. i don't want to be responsible for his food. just a small green salad. and a perrier. who the hell cares? that's always been my problem. you know why, don't you? because i am patient, chain-smoking lillian. i'd forgotten that. that's very lovely actually. be open with me. i'd like that. i want to know. we haven't talked this way in years. joanne bourne. nicky, no. this is insupportable. how could you? she's my gynecologist. it violates so many trusts. i never thought of dr. wetzel as having a sex life outside the office. i'm glad we're having this talk. you look awful, sweetheart. get a haircut. get a lawyer.