guys ready to order? elliot? we have a very nice pasta today. alla putanesca. alla puttanesca. i was in the fish-market play. what happened to him? i think i remember. not one of steven's finer moments. a little. he has -- something. a funny little quality i find -- engaging. a little drastic maybe? what? alla puttanesca. i was one of those silent, listening children. glued to the shadows. i hear good things about the new play. peter redmond is an actor i admire enormously. he doesn't want to meet some out-of- work ingenue. is what true? steven goes to extremes to protect his privacy. no friends. no phone. sort of. sometimes. you're not building an obsession about steven, are you? look. i understand opening- night jitters, but you've got one of the great actors in american theater starring in your play. he's a very sweet man. home. no one's waiting. if i'm sleeping with him, and i haven't said i am, then so what? but you don't even know me. how can you care what i do with whom? do you want to talk about doing crazy things. never mind. our steven not only disguises himself. he goes to the theater armed. he feels he has to defend himself if necessary. steven, it's me. will you open please. i haven't come to you. in other words i never understood until today how much pain and anxiety you've been causing with your reviews. steven, it's so unfair. not if you stopped hurting people. write the truth gently. yes. i've seen your victims. one past and one future. i thought i might convince you to reconsider. i don't want you, steven. i'm going home to my machine.