i'm looking at you trying to think. put your face in the mirror. i know i recognize you from somewhere. you're frankie lazzaro. the gangster from rhode island. matthew, look at him. when i lived in roxbury, the media followed this man everywhere. he was bigger than ten movie stars. where's your white lincoln limo? the most charming gangster in new england. where are we going, mr. lazzaro? might be an accident on the west side highway. matthew's my grandson. he does bless me, each and every day. matthew's mother works a hospital shift, so i pick him up at school. we stop for a meal usually around this time. he does his homework and gets some experience meeting people. but we never had a famous mobster before. this is one charming crook. if shooting people is charming. that's a simple subject. you see what you're doing, don't you? you're charming the boy. frankie lazzaro. coming down the courthouse steps every day in the media. children see this. they think you're the secretary of the treasury. go on, tell him. tell the truth. tell him how you feel, shooting a piece of hot metal in somebody's flesh who was once a child, who was once the same age as this boy. somebody's flesh who was innocent once. you're a family man, frankie? an how many years does it take a person to make his family safe and secure and happy, and then in one dumb moment, what does he do? and the people he hurts the most are the people who love him. despite who he is and what he does for a living. we're always saying we want to take control of our lives. you don't want to take control. you want to lose control. jesus knows it. it's a simple subject. your problem is you take the easy way out. losing is easy. it may be work but it's not honest work. faith is the real work. you made him strike out. you wished it on him. you want to lose. it's too hard for you to believe in something. it's hard to have faith. it's hard nwork to trust somebody. you're afraid to risk believing. believe in them. believe in your self. take a risk. it will humanize you as a person. if you believed, you wouldn't be walking around with a handgun in your belt. what does that tell me? you want to make the night come down. say it and you'll believe it. life is good. say it. then say it. speak it like it's real. matthew. what are people? matthew. people are dependable. life is good. because god loves a winner. washed away. because faith is rewarded. it's all right, frankie. just a little touch of suspense. life is good. don't worry. it's a test. this could be it! this is the time. trust in people. believe in life. faith is hard work. don't give in. don't give up. trust your team.