ken castle wants you to believe that you are living in a safer, better world. he's a liar. mind control is slavery. we will all be his dog if we allow this evolution to continue. you like the software? the walkie talkie, playa. that's right, baby. you think about what the brotha said? kable wants the freedom to ass- kick. do shit his way. you gonna give it to him? we see and hear everything that goes on inside the so-called game. kable got a past. he knows things. things he don't even know he know. things castle's afraid of. as long as your boy stay on the inside castle know he can keep him quiet - but if ever got out. uh uh. castle will never let that happen. you're not hearing me - this is not something you can control. they gonna kill his ass, simon. in the eyes of the world. and then what? you just another poor little rich honky. no kable, no pussy, no shit. mm hm. that's right, it's a game. you want to win it, don't you? then you need to cutcho strings, puppet-massa. a mod, that's all. like that guidance system you hacked on three weeks ago lets you track motherfuckers around corners and shit. the game got to mutate, after all. it got to evolve, you feel me? then let's rock, baby. you a fool. it's a game of deception. bullshit. his name's tillman. your ass followed. you got questions. it ain't just a game, you know, tillman. everyday there's more people steppin forward, wanna be a part of castle's world. throwing away everything it means to be human. think about it: the federal prison system is growing out of control, set to bankrupt the whole damn usa. castle rides in on a white horse, says he got a plan to bail us out and everyone just fall in line. this time he's pushin total control of genetic disease. birth defects a thing of the past. all we gotta do is exchange our cells for the ones he wanna give us. they'll be standing in line to hand their babies over to him. next thing you know, we all slaves. tillman. tillman. come on. ken castle made his first billion designing virtual reality simulators for the us military. six years ago he brought them something new - a breakthrough so profound, he said, that history would be divided up between everything before and everything that came after. the second was you. nine weeks later scotch was dead and you were serving life in maximum. castle's project was shut down. but the shit wasn't a total loss: the same technology resurfaced within a year. in a game. castle called it society. dig me, tillman. whatever happened in that project is something castle wanna be buried. we need that shit, baby: what you saw, what you know. you ain't gotta tell me shit, tillman. i want you to show me. his memories. translated as raw audiovisual data. a test.