my name's tillman. my name is tillman, freak. i killed my best friend. who's talking? what? why would anyone want my name? wait. how did you get this picture? have you seen them? turn me around god damn it. freak. who the hell is that? what? not much to aiming. it's just hand. eye coordination. i'm the hand. someone, somewhere else is the eye. sometimes. they take over - you know, completely. they move you. like a robot. but it doesn't work so good. that part's just for show. you can't really fight that way. there's a delay. whatever you call it. a slice of a second is the difference between living and dying out there. when the trigger pulls - not interested. your head ain't on straight. yeah, probably. - the fuck did you say? who? how come i can hear you? gamers can't talk to cons. no. pay attention to the game. wait a minute. are you twelve? bullshit. this is unbelievable. how am i not dead yet? what? these are real humans, fucker. guess that goes for me too. different how? that way. are you kidding me? we should go that way. kid, trust me - i was going house to house in tehran while you were still sucking mommy's nipple. kid's gonna get me killed. listen to me. i don't know who's behind it, or why, but i was supposed to die today. they're gunning for us. i can beat them, but not with you controlling me. turn me loose, kid. you want to win, turn me loose. find a way. you. you're not a guard. who are you? i don't have any. how do you know that? we'll see. i need you to get me something. drunk. what happened. no shit. blow me. yeah? anything else ya fuckin cheerleader? ughh, that was the one. who are you? your voice. you guys suck. you're the ones who broke me out? a few. alright. why me? i can't help you. don't say that. you can hear me, baby. i know you can. shut up!!! i'm going to take you someplace where they can turn it off. the program. you! where the hell do we go? you. run. if not. now what? how long will she sleep? so talk. yeah. he was. the idea was to replace your brain, bit by bit, cell by cell, gradual. the new tissue would never break down, never deteriorate. a new era in human longevity is what they told us. we were doing the world a favor. thank you for the history lesson. i don't know what to tell you. scotch. i'm not getting out. i'm fine. i'm sorry. i can't stop it. can't. i'm sorry. it's you. delia. where is she? that's all the story you're going to get. delia. castle. very nice, castle. so you've got an army of psychotics and deviants to dance around for you. you should've let him fight for himself, castle - he might've had a shot. no, i get it - you're pulling the strings on all of this. . which makes my next move pretty easy to figure. no. look at this knife. imagine me sticking it into your gut. think about it. make it real. damn it, kid. wait. the nanex. set us free. you good, sweetheart?