let me go! i wish you were still struggling for work in bombay. as i told you about english policemen. be careful! they are boys. -- and they're indian. are you sure? mr. khan said they called you brave. i could have told them you were merely foolish. there. not always. you have told me twice now that you were giving up the pleasures of the flesh. if you enjoy it a great deal you must fast for two days. i will tell sora. sora was sent to tell me i -- i must rake and cover the latrine. it is the work of untouchables. i am your wife. as you command. the others may follow you -- but you forget, i knew you when you were a boy! not at all then. stop it! stop it! what are you doing!? have you no shame? i'm your wife. where do you expect me to go? you are human -- only human. and it is even harder for those of us who do not even want to be as good as you do. and i must rake and cover the latrine. my dignity comes from following my husband. please! you're being foolish! charlie! be careful!! please, god, no! the fire is ready. but it's the ink that is the most diffic -- but now something worse is happening. when gandhiji and i were growing up, women wove their own cloth. but now there are millions who have no work because those who can buy all they need from england. i say with gandhiji, there is no beauty in the finest cloth if it makes hunger and unhappiness. stop -- stop. god gave you ten thumbs. first lesson: to march, wear shoes, to spin, do not. i'll teach you all our foolishness, and you must teach me yours. i must get ready for evening prayers. mirabehn is here. "in every worthy wish of yours, i shall be your helpmate." "i will ever live devoted to you, speaking words of love and praying for your happiness." "i will follow close behind you and help to serve the people." "i will follow you in all our vows and duties." "you are my best friend. my highest guru, and my sovereign lord." and i put a sweetened wheat cake in his mouth. you should be relaxing. if you take my husband, i intend to speak in his place. not at all. bapu has always said there were two kinds of slavery in india -- one for women, one for the untouchables -- and he has always fought against both. yes. but we see each other in the day. in hindu philosophy the way to god is to free yourself of possessions -- and the passions that inflame to anger and jealousy. bapu has always struggled to find the way to god. four times he tried -- and failed. but then he took a solemn vow. not yet.