stop! wait a minute! you're the only man i know who makes his own clothes. stop! now go on -- just as you were. ". what shape it will take." jinnah has -- what? i do not see it as the solution of the twentieth century's problems! but do you really believe you could use non-violence against someone like hitler? is my finger supposed to be wrapped around that? what do you expect when you talk like that? does it rankle, being separated from him this way? but not at night. you mean he -- he gave up -- married life. and he has never broken it? aren't you being a little overprotective? i came all this way because i believed the picture of independence day was of him here alone. and while we're sitting here feeding goats, what will happen to all the muslims in india and the hindus in pakistan? don't worry, with luck you may not be. you really are going to pakistan, then? you are a stubborn man. and what kind of a warrior have you been in that warfare? one more. just an admirer. there's a sadness in him. why? my god, if anything's proved him right, it's what's happened these last months.