you'd be mr. kallenbach. i prefer the name gandhiji has given me -- mirabehn. might mr. nehru be there too? you can't know how closely we follow your struggle -- how many in england admired what you did in bardoli. it must have taken enormous courage. and you're german. and do you feel indian? but you've been with him so long -- why? i -- i sent for it, from here. i dyed it myself. it has. but you'd be surprised. they understand -- they really do. it's not the workers you have to worry about. i would rather march. i've brought your drinking water. may i turn you? there is a little lemon juice in it. that is all. herman has gone to meet pandit nehru -- there was a telegram. almost everywhere it has stopped. i don't know. i know you are right. i don't know that this is right. panditji -- come in. you should ride the pony. it is not necessary to walk to prove the point. bapu. "lead kindly light, amidst the circling gloom" his pulse is very irregular -- the kidneys aren't functioning. bapu, there's been no fighting -- anywhere. it has stopped -- the madness has stopped. no. no. in every temple and mosque they have pledged to die before they lift a hand against each other. he thinks he's failed. i am blinded by my love of him, but i think when we most needed it, he offered the world a way out of madness. but he doesn't see it. and neither does the world.