please, mr. gandhi. just a few words -- then we'll get you to civilization. we'll follow with your wife -- don't worry, everything's arranged. mr. jinnah, our joint host, member of congress, and the leader of the muslim league and mr. prakash, who i fear is awaiting trial for sedition and inducement to murder. he told the press he would support the british in the war. i'm not certain. but i wouldn't be surprised. he's "discovering" india. have you read his magazine? we're looking for mr. gandhi! thank you . . . if we have home rule that will change. i thought you were against fighting. i told you. i don't think so. terrorism would only justify their repression. and what kinds of leaders would it throw up? are they likely to be the men we would want at the head of our country? i've been catching up on my reading. champaran stirred the whole country. they are calling you mahatma -- the great soul. i think if we all worked to publicize it. all of the congress. every avenue we know. bapu. it seems less formal than "mahatma." since your arrest the riots have hardly stopped. not big --; but they keep breaking out. i run to stop them. and patel and kripalani -- they are never at rest. but some english civilians have been killed, and the army is attacking crowds with clubs -- and sometimes worse. the government's afraid, and they don't know what to do. but they're more afraid of terrorists than of you. the viceroy has agreed to your release if you will speak for non- violence. what can we do? it was one incident. bapu -- the whole nation is marching. they wouldn't stop, even if we asked them to. but -- but gandhiji people are aroused. they won't stop. jinnah, patel, all of congress has called for the end of non-co- operation. there's not been one demonstration. all over india people are praying that you will end the fast. they're walking in the streets, offering garlands to the police -- and to british soldiers. you can't be serious! this man has just stopped a revolution! i don't believe it -- even the british can't be that stupid! we're not beginners anymore. we've been trained by a strict sergeant major. we must get these to the printer. i know it will succeed. even my mother is prepared to march. he's waiting. he's not prepared to accept it will mean as much as you think. no violence, zia! no violence. i'm an illegal trader in salt. i say when is now -- and we will determine how. "mud packs." the "real india" has muslims and hindus in every village and every city! how do you propose to separate them? bapu, for me, and the rest, if that is what you want, we will accept it. but out there already there is rioting because hindus fear you are going to give too much away. no. there just are not that many troops. what he can! he was right. it's insane -- anything would have been better. he's in noakhali. he's tramping from village to village -- no police, no troops -- trying to quell the madness single-handedly. maulana has gone to bring him back. in calcutta it's like civil war. the muslims rose and there was a bloodbath, and now the hindus are taking revenge -- and if we can't stop it there'll be no hope for the hindus left in pakistan. nothing -- nothing. the divisions in bombay and delhi can hardly keep the peace now. and each fresh bit of news creates another wave of mad. ness. bapu -- please. where are you going. no! there will not be a hindu police and a muslim police. there is one police! why must i read news like this in the paper? tell patel. arrange a plane. we will go -- friday. bapu. bapu, forgive me -- i've cheated. i could have come earlier. but your fast has helped. these last days people's minds have begun to turn to this bed -- and away from last night's atrocity. but now it is enough. tomorrow five thousand muslim students of all ages are marching here in calcutta -- for peace. and five thousand hindu students are marching with them. it is all organized. bapu, you are not so young anymore. who dares say such things! who?! come! kill me first! come! where are you?! kill me first! bapu, i have brought mr. suhrawardy. it was he who called on the muslims to rise; he is telling them now to go back to their homes, to lay down their arms. think what you can do by living -- that you cannot do by dying. what do you want? sometimes it is when you are quite without hope and in utter darkness that god comes to the rescue. gandhiji is dying because of our madness. put away your "revenge." what will be gained by more killing? have the courage to do what you know is right. for god's sake, let us embrace like brothers. you see, bapu, it is not difficult. i have fasted only a few hours and i accomplished what you could not do in as many days.