that's young nehru. he's got his father's intellect, his mother's looks and the devil's charm. if they don't ruin him at cambridge -- wave! wave! -- he may amount to something. i must say when i first saw you as a bumbling lawyer here in bombay i never thought i'd be greeting you as a national hero. oh, yes, you are. it's been two hundred years since an indian has cocked a snoot at the british empire and got away with it. and stop calling me mr. patel, you're not a junior clerk anymore. the new military governor of the north west province was on that ship. too bad you came back third class -- he might have been impressed by a successful barrister who had outmaneuvered general smuts. i agree with jinnah. now that the americans are in, the war will end soon. the germans are worn out as it is. and our first act should be to convene a congress party convention and demand independence. ah -- we should invite gandhi. what the devil has happened to him anyway? and let no one question that mr. jinnah speaks not just for the muslims -- but for all india! and now i'm going to introduce to you a man whose writings we are all becoming familiar with. a man who stood high in the esteem of our beloved professor gokhale. a man whose accomplishment in south africa will always be remembered. mr. mohandas gandhi. your journal has made a great impact. but it's true! i -- i read it. often. no -- but i think i'm going to. well, i've called you here because i've had a chance to see the new legislation. it's exactly what was rumored. arrest without warrant. automatic imprisonment for possession of materials considered seditious. your writings are specifically listed. i must say, panditji, it seems to me it's gone beyond remedies like passive resistance. my god, it would terrify them. excuse me -- just let me get out of your way, please. no, thank you, i'll manage. ah, herman! no, no -- don't destroy my good intentions. i'm feeling guilty about traveling second class. ah, in that case! maulana is made of sterner stuff. our trains met in bombay, but he's back there in that lot somewhere. when i think what our "beloved mahatma" asks, i don't know how he ever got such a hold over us. is he back? of course. a muslim beef eater -- i'm only surprised he missed. ah, that explains it. well, do i carry your luggage as penance or -- and what does the daughter of an english admiral propose to do in an ashram -- sink us? the irresponsible young nehru is in prison -- again. though there is a rumor that under pressure from your country, they will let him out -- again. well, in this country one must decide if one is more afraid of the government or gandhi. for us, it's gandhi. it must have been the only non-violent campaign ever led by a man who wanted to kill everybody every day. gandhiji -- do you know the sacrifices people have made? that's when you take advantage. mohammed -- the muslims are in a majority on two different sides of the country. if you did this, no one could control it. no one. have you found him? an eye for an eye making the whole world blind. could we cut all news off? i know -- we need your help! if i fast i die. if you fast people go to all sorts of trouble to keep you alive. everywhere. no, he'll be remembered for tempting fate.