there is a royal monopoly on the manufacture of salt, sir. it's illegal to make it or sell it without a government license. yes, sir. the day he sets off everyone is supposed to raise the flag of "free india." then he walks some two hundred and forty miles to the sea and makes salt. they're making it everywhere, sir -- mobs of them -- publicly. congress leaders are selling it on the streets of delhi. there's been no time to keep figures, but there must be ninety -- a hundred thousand under arrest. and it still goes on. i don't know! nehru, patel, almost every congress official is in jail. and their wives and their children -- we've even arrested nehru's mother. oh, in karachi the police fired on a crowd and killed a couple of people and -- and in peshawar the deputy police commissioner lost his head and. and opened fire with a machine gun. but he's facing a disciplinary court! you can't expect things like that not to happen when -- oh, no, sir -- no, i'm afraid not. yes, sir, he has. the usual -- india's salt belongs to india -- but then he says flatly that he personally is going to lead a raid tomorrow on the dharasana salt works. yes, sir. yes, sir. it will be my pleasure. yes, sir!