it's news at the moment. i will certainly report on your mines and the economy -- but i would like to meet this mr. gandhi. hm. and what should an "important professional" write about your response to general smuts's new legislation? you will respect the law. you're a very small minority to take on the government -- and the empire. well, it's quite a place, your "ashram" -- is that right? you're an ambitious man. they tell me you also take your turn at peeling potatoes and cleaning the "outhouse" -- is that part of the experiment? well, i read you account of that crowd in calcutta and that he was twisting the lion's tail again. and i knew something had to give. and i was determined to be here when it did. oh, i've been a gandhi buff for a long time. i met him once. back in south africa. long time ago. lots of hair. and a little like a college freshman -- trying to figure everything out. it's beautiful. trying to keep track of you is making me change all my sleeping habits. hm. is it? a great deal. you know what you're going to do. where are you going? it would have been uncivil of me to have let you make such a long trip for nothing. is it over if they arrest you now? what if they don't arrest you? what if they don't react at all? he said he's in charge. my name is walk-er. and i intend to report it the way it is. hello! ed! ed! goddammit, don't cut me off! ed! okay -- yeah -- right. "they walked, with heads up, without music, or cheering, or any hope of escape from injury or death." "it went on and on and on. women carried the wounded bodies from the ditch until they dropped from exhaustion. but still it went on." "whatever moral ascendance the west held was lost today. india is free for she has taken all that steel and cruelty can give, and she has neither cringed nor retreated." "in the words of his followers, 'long live mahatma gandhi.' "