says here they got slips in honolulu. 325 a month. utilities included. that's not bad. but i gotta get at least a forty footer. it'll handle rough water better and i'll need the room if i'm gonna live on it. what? my heart's in hawaii. you're tellin' me there's no place you'd rather be other than here? if i was in hawaii right now, i wouldn't be thinking about here. see the difference? look, i'm not in hawaii, i'm here. but i don't want to be here, i want to be in hawaii. i can't be in hawaii, therefore i think about it so as to not get depressed about being here. focus. aloha. hope you don't mind me checkin' you for weapons. okay. check him. maybe. maybe. got your money. tired? i'm not. you want your money? this is a bonus. this ain't my fault. this is a failure of our educational system. if you hadn't fallen through the cracks and dropped outa school, you wouldn't be here now. i'm in love. fuckin' animals. one less drug store on the street. wanna go for a ride? as of last night, i've got the down. just picture me under swayin' palms with a mai tai. just a phone call away. i'm workin' it up now. why? what's the occasion? car was registered to -- if you got all this, what d'you want from us? we'll do everything we can to help. calm down! shut up! stop it! you hear me, right now, stop it! shut up and listen to me! they could be watchin' us right now you asshole. so fuckin' shape up! you got it?! i want you to nod! get the fuck up! get in the car! there's no fuckin' reason to panic. stop being an idiot! we're the cops on the case. it's our case. we are going to find the fuckin' killers. since when does that matter?! all they want is someone to go down for the crime, right? do we care who goes down for the crime? fuck no. as long as someone goes down for the crime. it's a slot that's gotta be filled. of course it bothers me. what d'you want me to do, turn myself in? well i'm not. that's the risk we take everyday, somebody might pop us, especially undercover like that. so he got popped. it happens. i patted him down! he wasn't wearin' a wire, he had no badge, no gun, how was i supposed to know?! look, i feel just as bad as you do, but we gotta start thinkin' about us here. the important thing is we don't lose control of the case. we can never lose control of the case. whatever evidence there is goes through us. we lay down the trail. make it nice and logical. we're the teachers and two and two can add up to five if it's our classroom. evidence points wherever we want it to point. shit, we can provide so much evidence, even the asshole we pick will think he fuckin' killed him. just don't worry. we'll find a killer. there's lots of 'em out there. never is, is it. got your fuckin' prints on it. better have a good alibi, james, or it's good ali bye-bye. where were you last friday night? montrose lajolla. yeah. almost killed him, remember? he'd be good. (calls out to another take it easy. nobody said it was gonna be easy. but let's not advertise our despair. okay? divinci. this is our case! not the goddamn dea's! we're not fuckin' magicians! what the hell is three days?! this is a goddamn murder case! it takes a little bit of goddamn time! we've got a couple leads. we need a little more time. how much time we got? what for? we didn't know him. don't humpty dumpty on me. your cracks are startin' to show. get your balance. here comes the king. nothin' to brag about. but we've got a couple new leads we're followin'. just outa curiosity. what happened to his backup? you guys use backup on undercover don't you? he didn't have backup. you believe that?! jesus what a dick. i don't care what the reasons are, you don't play lone fuckin' ranger on a drug buy. you're just askin' for it. that's all i'm sayin'. let 'em. the gun, the coke came from evidence. the car came from impound. so what's to find? so what're you worried about? except us. i work homicide, i don't deal with that shit. yeah. you surprise me sometimes. here i think you're just a hard case and i discover you've got a heart of gold. you're an organ donor. that's really nice. the only problem is, they'll never use your best parts. hey, don't get me wrong. i was just surprised that we had something in common. besides what we have in common. cynthia. pretty name. what do the first three letters spell? nothing. i'm thinkin', that's all. no. what if i was thinkin' about us? what if i was? maybe i got plans. i just want you to know, love is important to me. but more important is loyalty. nothing is more important than that. not love, not anything. because loyalty is about respect. you can talk about love all you want, but without respect it's empty. i mean the first thing that goes in a marriage is respect. and once it's gone, forget the love. so i am telling you, i am loyal to you. like i'm loyal to my partner. we are closer than blood. and i trust him with my life. when you asked if i was thinkin' about us and i said i wasn't, i just want you to know that i do. why aren't more women like you? you fuckin' idiot. what've we got here? where were you last friday night? your name, what's your name? where'd you get the gun, joe? it was in your pocket, joe, your coat pocket. you must keep it for protection, right? sure you do, joe. everybody needs protection. especially a guy like you lives on the street, right? put it back in your pocket, joe. you don't have to worry about me, i'm not gonna hurt you. wake up, joe! i want you to look at something. out the window, joe. look out the window. this is where it happened, joe. i want you to remember it. this is where you killed him you remember it now? how you shot him through the head? you remember it? you will. is that any way to answer the phone? i know what time it is, i'm not the one in bed. i need the photos of the scene. i got a suspect. but he can't remember all the details. he needs a little help. and i thought, since you're my partner, you might jump at the opportunity to lend me a fuckin' hand. he doesn't remember a lotta fridays. bring the shots and pick up a fifth of vodka. make it two. time to get up, joe. i want you to look at something. there's the guy and the street and the car. you remember how you shot him. you don't remember? that's not what you told me last night. if you remember you can have a drink. but you gotta remember how you saw him driving toward you and you were in the street and you were afraid he was going to hit you so you had to shoot to protect yourself. you remember now don't you? and where's your gun, joe, where do you keep your gun? yes you do. in your pocket. i know, joe, it's tough to remember things you don't wanna remember. what about your last name, joe. you got a last name? come on, we're all tired here, joe. just give us your last name. okay, fine, what's in a name? but you remember the gun, right, in your pocket. and you remember that you told me you thought he was going to hit you, right? that's why you shot. how'd it happen, joe, tell me how it happened. you saw him driving toward you -- you ran. that's why you shot him. helluva nice shot, joe. just talk. i need you to do something. this isn't a deal. where you goin'? the guy we did the last deal with is dead. somebody popped him that night, probably when he tried to unload the stuff. i don't know. -- don't worry, there's no connection. we got the guy who did it. we just need you to do one thing. he'll be third from the left. don't fuck up. third from the left. just look at 'em and then look at the man the third from the left and say, it's him. and you say, absolutely. no question. we have a signed confession. you i.d. him, he's goin' straight into the can. hey, it's a done deal. take your time. try and remember his face. if you can identify the man -- just tell us which one. there's no problem! do you see him up there?! pick the asshole out! you mind telling me what that was all about?! you don't think people that hang around your neighborhood can kill somebody. well let me tell you something. you don't live in a great fuckin' neighborhood. just sign the goddamn paper. sign it. this is part of it. just sign it and you're done. he confessed. how the hell d'you know that? were you with him at the time?! you have a good goddamn alibi for him?! take it easy. this is what they call an open and shut case. he did the kill and he's going down. don't make the mistake of thinking you know the right thing to do. he said he couldn't remember it. he's a head case. it's our street. this is not my fuck up! our shooting was supposed to be gang-related and unsolved! only because we tagged a goddamn undercover cop do we need the fucking .44 for evidence! otherwise, we never woulda needed it. so don't point your finger at me! we don't explain it. it's not our fault they lost the evidence. ballistics are already complete in dunner's case. all we need is another gun. the .44. yes. yes, he did? he started shooting through the door. we can't put the right gun back! without that gun, they won't convict joe. i'm not worried about clyde, i'm worried about us! shit. how the hell did that piece of puke know it wasn't his fuckin' gun?! i don't think he knows his own fuckin' mother, but he knows his fuckin' gun! what d'you mean you can't do it? i gotta check something. what's the problem? what the hell're we supposed to do?! nobody can connect us to the evidence thing. we're clean there. the most important one is this dea mess anyway. once that's finished, we're completely in the clear. yeah, i guess. good while it lasted though. a hundred grand apiece. not bad for a few nights work. we're gonna get through it. no evidence problems on this one. hey, we took out a few scumbags, that's it. nobody's ever gonna miss those shitheels. they were all pieces of garbage. not one of 'em had a sheet less than a mile long. drugs, extortion, assault. they were all fuckin' guilty as hell and still on the street, you know that. yeah, except the cop. that's part of the job. could just as easily have happened to you or me. we fucked up once. once outa ten. that's not bad. i'm sorry, okay? i'm sorry. he was in the wrong place at the wrong time, what can i say. i'm not goin' down for it. look, if we got paid a decent salary we wouldn't be tempted by this, right? and what happens when we retire? you think our pension's gonna take care of us? shit no. we are on our own. i mean all i want in life is a goddamn fishing boat, a beach, a couple drinks and some hawaiian fuckin' music. that ain't much for twenty years putting murdering assholes behind bars. i mean, the dealers, the pimps, the killers, they got no rules. we got all the fuckin' rules. it ain't fair. that's all i'm sayin', it ain't fair. for awhile, we made it fair. quit thinkin' you're a bad guy. you're not a fuckin' bad guy. you made one mistake. let it go. hey, i never took a fuckin' bribe in my life. nobody ever bought me. no fuckin' way. even the thought makes me sick. and what we did has nothing to do with being corrupt. it's two completely different things. don't get 'em confused. i'm telling you. it's nothin' to do with corrupt. hey, you gotta worry a little. it's natural. just don't lose your sense of humor. the problem with people is, nobody gives a shit about makin' the world a better place. you and me, i don't care what anybody says, we made the world a better place. no matter what happens. there are ten less drug dealin' assholes on the street today because of us. they're not plea bargainin' their way back onto the street, they're not clogging up the courts, and they're not costing the tax payers a fuckin' penny because they're not in prison. they were garbage. and there's nothin' wrong with takin' out the garbage. shit. nothin' i ever do is good enough, you know? guess i gotta make the effort. it's gonna cost me if i don't. you're gonna think i'm an idiot, but. i like cynthia. there's no bullshit with her. i just fuckin' like her. yeah, that, too. -- when was the last time you saw him? -- uh-huh -- and you haven't seen him since then? just a second. calm down. i heard. clyde walked. you gotta be kiddin' me. yeah. what's her name? tell her to wait, i'll be right down. i gotta go down to the station. go back to sleep. hey! not here! shut up! what're you talkin' about? you are not getting outa here! well this wasn't supposed to happen! look, you're a witness, that's all. you got nothin' to worry about. you saw something happen -- i will tell you everything you gotta know. you understand? everything. you will know exactly what to say. then we got no goddamn witness puts him at the scene. perjury, maybe. but that's a fifty fifty. they might believe her. what? so? yeah, yeah, we're comin'. just give us some room. if it looks like she's gonna crumble we'll take steps. one more chalk outline more or less in this city who's gonna know? hey, hey, you think i like this?! just a second. look around. whatta we got here? two stiffs on the street, shot to shit, three more inside. that's five chalk lines in one night in one deal in one neighborhood in one city. let me fill you in on some statistics, we're not killin' everybody. look, this is strictly last resort. okay? but let's not kid ourselves. if push comes to shove, somebody has to go down. if you got another candidate, i'm willin' to listen. cynthia. shit! jesus! oh, yeah, sorry. i didn't expect -- what're you doing here? yeah, yeah, that's why i'm here. i wanted to go over some of the details. no. what d'you mean? oh, yeah, the legal thing. well, she's a witness in a murder case. and when they don't answer a knock and the door's open, it's my experience, you know. i like to make sure there's no dead bodies layin' around. don't tell on me. yeah. if she shows up, let me know. i'd like to talk to her, too. see you in court. we need to talk. not just a second, now! i got a witness who took off. i gotta get her back. i don't got a lotta time. don't ask fuckin' questions, you just find her! she dances. i said -- she's supposed to testify. she got scared, thinks somebody might kill her, so she's hidin'. that's why i want you to find her. if somebody is tryin' to pop her, i don't want anyone knowin' where she is. manny eyes divinci. he doesn't believe anything anybody tells him. especially in his business. two days. find her, puss head. he was living in the fuckin' street! how the hell was i supposed to know he was a goddamn doctor?! -- he disappeared seven years ago on september 19 two weeks after the tragic death of his wife and two young children in a multiple vehicle accident. at the time it was assumed that he had returned to africa, but that was never confirmed. what william mccall has been doing for seven years is now the mystery that the court will try to help unravel. alright, alright, let's think here. what's the worse case scenario? work with me here. even if the doc walks, there's no evidence ties us to it. there's only one person who can connect us to hudd. no, i'm not fuckin' with you. are you fuckin' with me?! know what? stop it. cops?! what fuckin' cops?! -- look, she's our witness, if she's in custody, somebody better tell me! anything? if she was bein' held by police, we'd know. if she said something we wouldn't be sittin' here. i think it's that lyin' piece of shit. don't ever lie to me again. no. he was drunk. we could smell the booze on him. but we drew blood. he didn't object. to justice in all its forms. without ms webb, there's no place they can go. we still got the confession, the gun, the ballistics. and i don't give a shit about all this african doctor crap. the man is a drunk and he's been a drunk for seven goddamn years. so lets have a drink for drunks. that's the thing about life. you control it or it controls you. most people don't understand that. they try'n blame their fuck-ups on something or somebody else. but it's not like that. i don't wanna hear why your life's a mess. it's a mess cause you're a mess. that simple. they're waitin' to live happily ever after. but after what? after all the shit happens? well, i got a clue for everybody, the shit never stops happening. so you deal with it or you get buried in it. i'm not talkin' about you, you know what i'm sayin' here. life don't work in mysterious ways. there ain't no mystery to it. you just work it. and you don't take it too serious. you can't take it too serious otherwise you get fragile. and you can't be fragile and have any fuckin' fun. that's the first sign of trouble, when you start askin' other people. don't hold your breath. i know she'll talk. problem is we're gonna need another gun. since when is being in jail a guaranty of a long life? you just get a fuckin' gun. everything's fine, manny. i just came to apologize. we need some privacy. just one more favor. i want you to bail somebody out of jail. bail's twenty-five thousand. i want her out tonight. and don't tell her who. it's a surprise. i know you know how to exchange that. it's worth a lot more than twenty- five grand. you can keep the change. i want her back in two hours. or i'll nail you for possession. you get the gun? everything okay? take off the dress and get back in the game. we gotta do what we gotta do. yeah, it's the last time. i get the picture. what's goin' on here? you mad at me or something? drug dealers don't qualify as people. never did, never will. so what the hell's wrong with you tonight? you suddenly worried about where all the money went? i need some fresh air. talk to me, okay? just fuckin' talk to me. you gambling again? take off your shirt. just take off your shirt. if there's nothin' to worry about, then i'll apologize. but i'm not gonna argue. take off your fuckin' shirt now. take off your shirt. i'm askin' you one more time. okay, i'm sorry. you're right. i'm fuckin' nervous. like you. forget it. this thing. shit. let's just get it over with. i'll just feel a whole lot better when she's dead. then we're off the hook. you fuckin' rat! you're fuckin' right. get out. get outa the car now! this is why you can never -- ever -- lose your sense of fuckin' humor. you had to do the right thing. what do i want? why're you asking me that? you gonna grant me three wishes? i don't know where to start. let's see. money would be nice. love would be better. but a little loyalty. you can never get enough of that. . but we'll start with. money. i don't think so. they don't have a clue, baby. and you wanna know why? because i am following my heart. and they don't know where that is. loyalty is what it all comes down to. nothing holds together when it's gone. and once it's gone, you don't ever get it back. you shouldn't've told 'em. let me tell you something. the only difference between a liar and a witness is that just one of 'em knows what he's doing. lock the door. one more favor, manny. i'm takin' some time off. i want a car, here tonight, and a driver. you can do that for your old friend, right? i got the money. just put it together. better not be a set up. just walk me to the door. i think i'll let you live. you never saw me. head south. get on the interstate. don't break the speed limit. you know, the one thing about life. you can never lose your sense of humor. without it, you got nothin'.