word is everyone's entitled to a defense. no matter how guilty they are. oh shit. can i talk to him? joe, can you hear me? i'm elliot goff. i'm your attorney. do you understand what i'm saying? joe, i'm elliot, we met the other. well, you weren't in very good shape. you look much better. have a chair. we need to talk. yes. joe, before we get into what happened that night, i'd like to check a couple of things first. joe is your first name, i assume joseph? what about doe? is that what you told the officers your last name was? what did you tell them your last name was? well, is doe your last name? do you know what your last name is? joe, i'm your attorney, i'm here to help you. it doesn't matter if you give the court your last name or not, they will still put you on trial. do you understand? so there's no reason to try and hide your identity. what is your last name? joe smith, joe jones, joe dimaggio. okay. look, we'll move on. you understand the charges against you. they're serious. and if you are found guilty, you could go to prison for a very long time. what? yes, i know, i read your confession. joe, if you really felt your life was in danger, we might be able to use self-defense as our argument. but before we get into that. do you have any family, joe? any friends? joe. do you know what a psychiatrist is? have you ever seen a psychiatrist? joe, you don't remember much about yourself. but you remember the night you shot the man in the car. why? we would like to plead not guilty to the charge of murder at this time for reason of insanity. yes, joe. let me handle this. yes, joe. don't worry about it. i'm the attorney. i don't agree. not if he's not of sound mind. i think he's crazy. i know you think he's just putting it on, that's d.a. standard procedure, but i don't think he is. so, your honor, i'm standing by the not guilty because i believe he's incapable of making that judgment. yes, your honor. i think you'll see that my diagnosis is not without warrant. thank you, your honor. besides, i hear there's a good chance of beating the charges for lack of evidence. hi, joe. you're looking much better. trial date's been set for thursday. excuse me? i'm a little surprised. nobody ever wants to be punished for what they've done. it's just a new concept. but i still think our defense is reasonable. i don't believe, under the condition you were in, that you were responsible for your actions. if you hadn't been carrying the gun, you might be dead. i understand. can i think about this? yeah. arthur baylor? arthur baylor, oh my god. i ahh, would you ahh. are you here to see me? -- and you arrested the defendant four days after the killing. what lead you to suspect mr. mccall? yes, but specifically mr. mccall? he had no previous criminal record. where did you find the defendant? what was he doing? but you knew it was the man you were looking for. based on what? who provided you with the description? i believe her name is cynthia webb. according to the statement filed the night she picked him out of the line- up. the name familiar? where did you find ms webb? and she agreed to pick the defendant out of a line up. where you aware that ms webb disappeared after she was served with a subpoena? thank you, detective, that's all the questions i have. she's the woman who identified you. -- you know, it just didn't make sense, a man wanting to be punished for a crime? how many times does that happen? once in a lifetime, i can tell you.