-- when the defendant, clyde dunner, entered the house of george and carol beaman on friday night, a .44 caliber pistol in his hand. he entered the house with one thing in mind. to kill george and carol, the people he blamed for the break up of his marriage to carol's sister, paula. george and carol were watching a movie when he entered the living room and opened fire. george was killed instantly, hit in the face. carol died later of three bullet wounds to her chest. then the defendant, in his effort to cover up the crime, doused them with lighter fluid and set the house on fire. carol was still alive. ladies and gentlemen of the jury we will prove to you, beyond any reasonable doubt, that the defendant, clyde david dunner, is guilty of two counts of murder in the first degree. what's wrong? what're you talking about? what?! -- i don't have a goddamn case without the goddamn gun. his fingerprints, the ballistics, everything! i have to have the fucking gun or he's gonna walk. that murdering piece of filth will go free without the .44. how could they lose it?! -- and when you approached the suspect in his apartment, did you identify yourself as a police officer? did the suspect respond? in what way? the defendant fired six times, until his gun was empty. we would like to show you the weapon he used. and we would like to enter it into court records. it was the same smith and wesson revolver he used to viciously murder george and carol beaman. the prosecution would like to call mr. steven j. allen to the stand. mr. allen, would tell the court what you do. your honor, can we have a moment? your honor, my colleague's client admits to the killing. i don't see any reason to go through a trial when it's obvious he would like to plead guilty. if he wants to plead guilty, you have to let him plead guilty. come on, elliot! what are you telling me?! she missed the appointment? she forget you were coming? what?! she split, our witness split. can't we keep our evidence and witnesses from disappearing around here? i mean what do i have to do, lock them in the trunk of my car? what the fuck is going on?! i want that bitch back here and on the stand or in jail! yes. what the hell? i don't. believe so, your honor. -- when he pulled this gun and fired at the driver of the car. killing him instantly. let the record show that this is the weapon used in the crime, a smith and wesson forty-four caliber handgun. and when you arrested the defendant, did he deny that he had killed agent hudd. can you describe the defendant's condition at the time of his arrest. we have the blood test report that shows -- -- that he had four times the legal limit to drive. the people would like to enter this into evidence. where? when? well who the hell was that? what the fuck is going on?! your honor, the people call ms. cynthia webb to the stand. please state your name for the court. do you see the man that you identified in a police line-up in this room. is it the defendant, mr. mccall? please describe what you saw the night of september 14th. and you're positive the man you saw with the gun is the defendant. no further questions. objection. the witness has already answered that question. objection. your honor, i don't see a point to this line of questioning. objection. defense is trying to confuse the witness. objection! oh shit.