-- jesus christ! are you sure? they can't find the murder weapon. dunner's .44. they can't find the goddamn gun! cynthia webb? i'm richard stein with the district attorney's office. you're a witness in a case we're handling and i'd like to talk to you as soon as possible. ms webb? any chance we could get together today? it won't take long. will you be home about two? ms webb? good. let me make sure i've got your correct address. divinci? richard stein, d.a.'s office. i have to talk with cynthia webb. a witness in -- well, wait, aren't you and detective rodriguez on this one? me, too. is she there? i was supposed to meet her at two. do you know her? well, i just mean, if she's not here. you were. . inside. no, no, of course not. well, maybe i should wait. she might be stuck in traffic or something. of course. right. if you want my best guess, i'd say she split. i'll get her. isn't that arthur baylor? what's he doing here? all these goddamn guns are startin' to look the same to me. -- so i think we'll have to rely on the confession for his description of what happened. he'll never take the stand, even if -- d.a.'s office. what?. when?. where will -- they found cynthia webb. i don't know. i don't know. i don't know. they hung up.