i don't know how you do it. how you can think about hawaii now? you never been there. how can your heart be there. no, i'm saying i just don't know how you can think about hawaii right now. no. but i'm here, i know i'm here, i don't like being here, but i can't be anyplace else because i look around and i see all this shit. how do you get around that?! that's what i'm asking. focus. it's time. no more hawaii, okay? focus on this. aloha my ass. come on! hurry up! what the hell you doin'? what're my neighbors gonna think? i can make your life fuckin' miserable that's what i can do. four thousand is all i got. cutless supreme, what kind of fuckin' idiot name is that? any witnesses? -- a green car. you know what make. maybe a ford, uh-huh. you didn't see the license, did you? yeah, no, i understand, it was dark. uh-huh. you think you could describe the driver? you bought it? uh-huh. you're gonna buy it, no shit. when? that's really great, man. uh-huh, okay. how tall was he? what the hell -- we're waitin' for prints. how d'you know that? what's goin' on here? shit, fuck, shit, jesus christ! we're dead, we're fucking dead! fuck, fuck, fuck! god, god, this is really fuckin' out of control! let go of me! no fuckin' reason to panic? did you say no fuckin' reason to panic! we're the fuckin' killers! we killed a cop, doesn't that bother you? not by other cops! what're you talkin' about, are you sayin' we stick somebody with this? you got some asshole in mind? where were you friday night? where were you? got your prints on it. where were you last friday night? lawyer's not gonna help you, cortez. all the evidence we got points right to you. that's what they all say. we pulled him in last year for knifing that dealer on 32nd. shit! this isn't gonna work! this is no fuckin' way to run an investigation. what funeral? what's that mean? bullshit. we want this one as bad as you do. a cop's a cop. we're in this together, right? i don't think we should criticize that particular decision of his. i don't trust those bastards. they're not waitin' for us. that's bullshit. they're runnin' their own investigation. i know it! that's what i'm afraid of. there's nothing for them to find. we were too good. nobody is that fuckin' good. who the hell is this? divinci, shit! it's quarter to six. now? he doesn't remember last friday? why'd you kill him? it was your gun. come on, joe, everybody's got a last name. don't fuck with us, joe. we're trying to help you. what's your last goddamn name? then what did you do? and i'll say, are you sure? what's the problem? you picked a man out of a lineup, you have to sign that you did that so they don't think we made it up. jesus christ! we got it in writing. maybe she was blowing him! fine, i got nothin' at stake here. he wouldn't give us his last name. no priors. we're waiting. but a forty-four was used in commission. he had a forty- four on him. the dunner gun, you used the fucking dunner gun?! alright, alright. but how are we supposed to explain how the same gun was used in two murder cases by two different killers when it was supposed to be in police custody?! what? we gotta put the right gun back. without that gun they won't convict clyde! look, joe's never goin' to trial, right. he signed a goddamn confession! like you said, this one is open and shut. clyde's the one we gotta worry about. we can't let him go back on the street! he's a fuckin' psychopath. he'll kill somebody again. i don't think that's important right now. since when?! you know we can't do it anymore. no, we're through. that's it. i just wanna get through this. i hope not. i don't know, frank, lately i been thinkin'. maybe what we did wasn't such a good idea. except the cop. but we're cops, you know? we fucked up. i know. do you think we're corrupt? me either. i know. i guess you're right. i'm worried, that's all. my sense of humor, right. so, you think you'll get back with caroline? never is, never was, never will be. tell me about it. you know how much i got left. i think you just like fuckin' her. we gotta talk. no! they're takin' joe to trial. they found him mentally unable to plead so his attorney pleaded not guilty by reason of insanity. yeah, that's me, i love to make people laugh. you hear the one about the two cops who popped the undercover dea? what if she takes off? and what happens if she testifies and nobody fuckin' believes her? shit, frank, she's a goddamn stripper for chrissake, who's gonna believe her. i don't believe her when she's telling the truth! she could blow the whole thing. she could tie us in and that would be it. we'd be fuckin' fried. what steps? oh shit, frank. we just can't go around killin' everybody! -- but william mccall shunned the business world and turned his life to medicine, receiving his medical degree from harvard in 1969. once again he turned his back on the established norm and spent several years in africa performing organ transplants for the poor. jesus christ, this is who you picked? a goddamn surgeon who performs organ transplants on poor africans?! he's not a goddamn doctor! you picked a fuckin' saint to pin a fuckin' murder on! when we pick 'em, we really fuckin' pick 'em. we shoulda just picked up the fuckin' pope. are you asking me if i can think of something worse than what we've done that we can still do, or something worse that might happen to us if this all blows up and we are convicted and sent to jail and die in the electric chair and go to hell? i'm sorry. i'm a little on edge. would you repeat the question? okay, fine, i don't wanna argue about it anymore. let's just fuckin' kill her. nothin'. nobody knows nothin'. the d.a. thinks she's gone. d.e.a. doesn't know shit. unless she said somethin'. you ask questions. work the neighborhood. find out who was on the street that night. we found someone who'd seen him in the area. so we picked him up for questioning. we didn't expect it to be him. but if someone saw him in the area that night we would want to talk to him. if he wasn't the killer, he might've seen the killer. just routine really. on the street. corner of third and madison. he was passed out. yes. his description. cynthia something, i think. yes. that's her. on the street. same area. yes. yes, my partner and i tried to contact her about the case and were unsuccessful. we're not home free yet. yeah. you think i'm fragile? i just wish i knew where the hell she was. she didn't talk. you think she'll talk. we'll make it look gang related. the problem?! have you forgotten? she's in fucking jail. that's the goddamn problem. i got it. are you kidding? we're going to kill a goddamn witness who's in fucking jail because we killed an undercover dea agent. i'm sorry, but this kinda shit troubles me a little. yeah. i know. let's just get it over with. this is the last time, frank. the last time we kill somebody. this'll be eleven, frank. eleven is enough. it was all okay until you shot hudd. it wasn't my idea to start killing people, frank. that's all i'm sayin'. we're in this goddamn mess because you started killing people. i'm just sick of it, that's all. what're you doin'? frank -- i don't know. i owe some money. i don't know how i'm gonna pay it. yeah, yeah. i just couldn't. frank. let's forget about this. let's just get the fuck outa here. we got enough money, let's go. we'll get outa the country or something. what the hell're you doin'?! what're you talkin' about? what is this, you piece of shit?! you don't trust me?! is that it?! fuck you, you don't trust me. you wanna shoot me? shoot me. right. yeah. yeah. i am, i'm a fuckin' rat. i traded you, frank, i fuckin' traded you. simms knows everything. just fuckin' shoot me, get it the fuck over with! i deserve it! i fucking deserve to die! frank --