you get an i.d. on the victim? -- anchor imports. 81 el dorado. black. the man in the car is lionel hudd. hudd was dea, undercover. he was workin' a case on syndicate distribution of drugs on the south side. but every dealer we tagged kept getting killed. he finally got a lead on a girl -- hudd was a friend of mine. i'm gonna nail the sonuvabitch who killed him. glad you came. anything break? look, normally we'd be all over this, but your captain seems to think you can do the job. it's your territory. i guess you know it better than anybody. and that can be worth a lot. but you understand. we won't wait forever. it was a new lead. hudd was afraid backup would blow his cover. he was supposed to check in ten minutes after the deal went down. he never checked in. that's why i asked you to come here. just so you knew that. doe? he signed a confession but he wouldn't give you his last name? goddammit! some goddamn piece a shit blows him away for nothing! i'm sorry. hudd was too good for this to happen. i just didn't think he'd go down this way. good work. thanks. he's an animal. i want him. you understand me, i don't care what it takes. i want that sonuvabitch! who set it up? which one pulled the trigger? divinci or rodriguez? detective rodriguez is dead. he was shot in the head last night. rodriguez was wearing a recorder. divinci found it. you can do addition, can't you. we don't know. but we're gonna find him. get a copy of the tape to bailor. but make sure it doesn't come from us. no goddamn way! i'm not going to grant that whore immunity. she lied on the stand, she's protecting somebody. and she's involved. i want them all. if what she says is any good, i'll deal. if it isn't, then nobody goes anywhere.