joe. i don't know. i. don't. i. don't know. i don't have a gun. i'm tired. i don't remember. i don't know. i don't remember. yeah. -- i saw him driving toward me -- he was going to hit me. i was scared. he was going to hit me. that's why i. about what i did. okay. i don't think so. i don't remember. i'm not sure. i don't remember. yes. i would tell you if i could remember. i don't think so. maybe i should. go to prison. i killed him. i didn't mean to. but he was going to hit me. i don't think so. yes. i'm not sure. no. yes. because. i can. i'm sorry, i'm not much help. but i did it. but i signed the confession. i guess jail's been good for me. i've been thinking about what i did. and i don't think it's right that i try getting off. i want to plead guilty. i killed a man and i should be punished. why? but why was i carrying a gun? i had no right to carry a gun. and he might be alive. no. i've made up my mind. arthur. good, arthur, thanks. would you like some coffee, juice. well, this is all a bit of a mystery. you certainly got my attention with your phone call. what's this all about? is there something you want me to see? oh my god. yes. yes. i know her. no. i mean i know her. i'm not sure. i think i lived near her. i was. a surgeon. i had an affair with another woman. a nurse at the hospital i worked at. it was nothing. i can't even remember much about her. except my wife found out. we had a fight. she left the house, took the kids. she was hysterical. i should've done something. gone after them, i don't know. they were killed in a car accident about a mile from the house. i've never told anybody that. about why she left. i just want to go back to work. yes. i'd like to make one stop. i'm ready. she's fibrilating. go on bypass. i wouldn't have done this without you. i owe you.